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Example sentences for "instigators"

Lexicographically close words:
instigates; instigating; instigation; instigations; instigator; instil; instill; instilled; instilling; instils
  1. In diplomatic circles, however, the real instigators of the outrage were well known.

  2. The real instigators of the murder were never detected and punished, although the Austrian court, in a public manifesto to the German nation, promised a searching investigation of the whole affair, and a rigorous chastisement of the assassins.

  3. Profoundly offended at so much impudence, he requests Baron Thugut immediately to order an investigation, so that the instigators of the riot may be punished, and that their punishment may teach the others a much-needed lesson.

  4. All that was agreed upon and attempted by the alleged inciters and instigators of this crime constitutes a combination of atrocities with scarcely a parallel in the annals of the human race.

  5. Seditious movements were sure to find instigators and accomplices in these three men.

  6. The leaden weight of billions has been earned by the instigators of this war, and in the future they, rather than we, will drag it about after them.

  7. Duke of Aumale, and by one of its most vehement instigators and approvers, Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, both uncles of the Duke, and notable members of the house of Guise.

  8. He expressed his conviction that the instigators of northern mobs must be implicated in some way, pecuniary or otherwise, with slavery.

  9. Some of the instigators and chief actors in this outrage, were "gentlemen of property and standing," residents of Bridgetown.

  10. Lower Empire;" he gave these salutary exhortations with a penetrating look, that made the instigators of discord cast down their eyes.

  11. The Duke of Otranto, who had been in secret one of the instigators of the rage of certain deputies, pretended to be affected at the fate of Napoleon, and recommended him to the attention and protection of the chambers.

  12. In other words, he counted on experience, and it is very probable that if there had been nothing to interfere with experience, his calculations would have finally chosen between the defenders of order and the instigators of disorder.

  13. Three days after their assembling together they vote, "almost unanimously," the preparation of a law "against the instigators of murder and assassination.

  14. He was one of the instigators of the cruel and inhuman crusade against the Albigenses about 1212.

  15. The instigators of the massacre of St. Bartholomew were believers in your sacred Scriptures.

  16. The Guises are doubtless the instigators of this attack on the Admiral.

  17. He is furious, and has sworn that he will inflict the most signal punishment upon the authors and instigators of the crime: Coligny had received the wound, but he himself most felt the smart.

  18. The public indignation is fast collecting and winding up to a high pitch; and it only waits the result of the present examinations to pour down upon the heads of these corrupt instigators to fury and bloodshed.

  19. The instigators of it were serious and earnest persons, who verily thought they were doing right.

  20. Moreover, it would almost compel the Indians to conclude that the Fathers had betrayed them, and that they were not only parties to, but instigators of, the whole scheme of spoliation.

  21. The Jesuits were falsely accused of being the instigators of the riot and suffered for it in consequence.

  22. Some witnesses supposed that he was one of the principal instigators of the first insurrection; but that afterwards learning that Philip had said that Perez was an unfaithful minister, he ceased to defend him.

  23. The Catholics knew that he was inclined towards friendliness; the Churchmen felt sure that they who had been chief instigators in bringing him to the throne of England, could rely upon his support.

  24. The union of the mulattoes with the revolted slaves, was not an event unlocked for; as I have before remarked, they were strongly suspected of being the instigators of the rebellion.

  25. They unanimously supported the Soviet of People's Commissaries, not only against counter-revolutionary instigators and sabotagers but also against the coalitionists and the skeptics.

  26. The Count intimated that the Austro-Hungarian Government would perhaps be compelled to search for the instigators of the crime of Sarajevo on Serbian soil.

  27. The minister mentioned by name leading instigators of attacks in the Austrian and German press on Serbia as haranguing the crowd.

  28. Of course, the line will be drawn between the instigators of these precious plans and those who were merely led on.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "instigators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.