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Example sentences for "inside view"

  • Inside view of a separated scale or open carpel; one seed in place: 413, the other seed.

  • Inside view of one of the bracts and spore-case, magnified.

  • This is historical, and is an inside view of history.

  • Inside View of Slavery, or a Tour among the Planters.

  • But there is one document in his collection giving an "inside view" of their social and religious life, which we are inclined to publish for special reasons.

  • At our request they have written what they remember; which we present in conclusion, as the nearest we can get to an "inside view.

  • His gossiping report of what he saw and heard gives as good an inside view of the transitory species of Associations as any we find in his collections.

  • Inside View of the Cupola in the public Library.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inside view" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bearing trees; but upon; communication trenches; conceal from; distributive justice; during those; executive departments; fairly common; gave chase; glass globe; good actor; great multitude followed him; inside the; inside view; limestone rock; melted down; poor fool; properly speaking; reflective thought; served plain; though always; white goat; young married