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Example sentences for "inland seas"

  • Even the north-western continent was scooped into great inland seas or lagoons, which stretched from Ireland to Scandinavia, and, as we saw, fostered the development of the fishes.

  • The chalk ocean of Europe is gradually reduced to a series of inland seas, separated by masses and ridges of land, and finally to a series of lakes of brackish water.

  • Of the fishes the Arthrodirans dominated the inland seas (apparently), while the sharks commanded the ocean.

  • Having thus briefly considered some of the lacustrine deltas now in progress, we may next turn our attention to those of inland seas.

  • In the last chapter several examples were given of the deltas of inland seas, where the influence of the tides is almost imperceptible.

  • The Permian and Triassic deposits of England and Germany were laid down in inland seas or upon the surface of the land itself.

  • Upon it the Old Red Sandstone was laid down in inland seas or lakes, while farther south contemporaneous deposits were formed in the open sea.

  • There are many lakes and small inland seas in Asia, memorable as having been the scene of our Blessed Saviour's labors, trials, and triumphs.

  • The Red Sea, or Arabian Gulf of antiquity, constitutes the grand natural division between Asia and Africa; but its advantages have been chiefly felt by the latter, which is entirely destitute of inland seas.

  • These characters bear out the supposition that the aqueous deposits were laid down in inland seas of Caspian character and not in the open ocean.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inland seas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bony fishes; both church and state; dear granny; defense against; divine civilization; forty yards; great soul; green fields; inland navigation; inland seas; living thing; many names; named varieties; obey thee; one volume; pearl necklace; royal province; see any; twenty guineas; universal good; universally true; water deposits; writing desk