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Example sentences for "infuses"

Lexicographically close words:
infuriate; infuriated; infuriating; infuse; infused; infusible; infusing; infusion; infusions; infusoria
  1. If therefore He infuses habits into some, He would infuse them into all: which is clearly untrue.

  2. So likewise, when God infuses grace into a soul, no preparation is required which He Himself does not bring about.

  3. We do not know what part disease played in creating or forcing or conditioning Keats's genius; we only know that it infuses a poignancy and a colour into our picture of his life.

  4. The poetry, the creative power of Tchekhov, on the other hand, is immanent and infuses the whole conception of The Three Sisters.

  5. Chapter XIV: The Trade Of Literature Democracy not only infuses a taste for letters among the trading classes, but introduces a trading spirit into literature.

  6. The anode is quiescent until the cathode comes along, joins it, and infuses life into it.

  7. Thus life ever presents to us new forms and features, and ever infuses new interest into what otherwise might become unbearable in its monotony.

  8. Yes, indeed," said Xenophon, "but the Tarantula infuses something when it bites.

  9. And into all she infuses a spirit that is all her own--a spirit of delicate grace and beauty of which she alone has the secret.

  10. Therefore God infuses charity into man according to the measure of his natural virtue.

  11. Now at the first infusion of charity God infuses less charity into him that prepares himself less.

  12. From this we may gather that when God preserves charity in man, He works in the same way as when He first infuses charity into him.

  13. Now when God first infuses charity, He puts something in the soul that was not there before.

  14. Fouquet, suddenly, with one of those secret transports which the generous blood of youth, or the remembrance of some sweet emotion, infuses into the heart.

  15. A capital idea; what tranquillity it infuses into my mind!

  16. Faith teaches us that the Holy Ghost is the love which the Father and the Son bear one to the other; and therefore the gift of love which the Lord infuses into our souls, and which is the greatest of all gifts, is attributed to the Holy Ghost.

  17. The Holy Ghost also infuses into our soul the gift of piety--that loyal, tender, filial affection towards God as Our Father.

  18. The Holy Ghost infuses into our hearts sanctifying grace, by which we become pleasing to God, and we can call Him Our Father.

  19. It is this which enlightens the understanding, and infuses a spiritual knowledge, and a heavenly wisdom, which is incomparably more excellent than that in which philosophers pride themselves.

  20. It assails no established social relations, but it infuses love into the hearts of those who are bound together, and thus unites them in affection.

  21. Moral virtue puts a bridle on the evil passions of the heart, and, at the same time, infuses into it an invincible courage in demanding what is right.

  22. I will give it you in his own words; but the lively spirit which he infuses into all he tells will be lost in my narration.

  23. The Spaniard will have his bull-fight, the Mexican pits his cocks, but John Bull selects the noblest of quadrupeds, and infuses into him his own emulation for superiority.

  24. I know not whether the passion, which infuses itself into all his words and actions that relate to me, ought to inspire all that sympathetic sensibility which he intends; but I own it sometimes alarms me.

  25. Solyman, overhearing as he enters some of the nobles propose a disgraceful peace and the surrender of Jerusalem, hotly opposes such a measure, and thus infuses new courage into their breasts.

  26. Then he falls asleep and is visited by Minerva, who infuses new strength and courage in his veins.

  27. For a miracle infuses belief by an external and not an internal way, thus from the world and not from heaven.

  28. And also that the devil infuses evils into the thoughts and leads astray and incites one to commit evils?

  29. She not only infuses a wonderful degree of life into her little figures, but reproduces the shades of expression, shifting and variable as the sands of the sea, as no other artist of the brush has done.

  30. A true Christian should ever be triumphant in a felt experience, in a Name proved to be sufficient, in a power which infuses strength into his weakness, and enables him to do the will of God.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infuses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.