In lieu of positive evidence, they appeal to the supposed conceivableness of the direct action of will on matter, and inconceivableness of the direct action of matter on matter.
Indeed, inconceivableness depends so completely on the accident of our mental habits, that it is the essence of scientific triumphs to make the contraries of once inconceivable views themselves appear inconceivable.
Will it really be contended that the inconceivableness of the thing, in such circumstances, proves anything against the experimental origin of the conviction?
And he explains that the inconceivableness which, according to his theory, is the test of axioms, "depends entirely upon the clearness of the Ideas which the axioms involve.
The invariability of belief, tested by the inconceivableness of its negation, "is our sole warrant for every demonstration.
This double meaning of inconceivable it is very important to bear in mind, for the argument from inconceivableness almost always turns on the alternate substitution of each of those meanings for the other.
But secondly, inconceivableness is still farther from being a test even of that test.
To this I answer: Even if it were true that inconceivableness represents "the net result" of all past experience, why should we stop at the representative when we can get at the thing represented?
Objective facts are ever impressing themselves upon us; our experience is a register of these objective facts; and the inconceivableness of a thing implies that it is wholly at variance with the register.
In this wide range of cases subjective inconceivableness must correspond to objective impossibility.
By inconceivableness is sometimes meant, inability to form or get rid of an idea; sometimes, inability to form or get rid of a belief.
Others have asserted the inconceivableness of the primordial differentiation of parts in organisms when they all presented the simplest structure.
True it is that Darwin does not believe in the validity of this assumption, but merely makes it to show the inconceivableness of the negation of evolution.
The inconceivableness of a supposition is the extreme case of its unbelievability.
Next: Even if it were true that inconceivablenessrepresents the net result of all past experience, why should we stop at the representative when we can get at the thing represented?
Will it really be contended that the inconceivableness of the thing, in such circumstances, proves any thing against the experimental origin of the conviction?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inconceivableness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.