I 'll lay you fifty pounds Lady Traf-ford cut deeper into my wife's flesh by her two or three impertinences than if I had stormed myself into an apoplexy.
No, no; I know the impertinences he is guilty of towards me: but let him.
He assisted publicly at my toilet*, he walked out with me, left me as little as possible, and sought by every attention to console me for the impertinences with which my enemies bespattered me.
Each day brought to me impertinences said of me by the noble ladies of the chateau.
But here was a man towards whom he was irresistibly in opposition; a man of forms and phrases and postures; a man full of possible impertinences and treacheries.
He had wit enough to appreciate the force of that civility which consists in calling your attention to the impertinences it spares you.
Were you to read the nauseous Impertinences which are written on these Occasions, and to see the silly Creatures sighing over them, it could not but be Matter of Mirth as well as Pity.
These worthies, having nothing better to do, began to beguile the time by admiring each other's uniforms, criticising the appearance of the company, and such vague impertinences as go by the name of general conversation.
But these trifling intolerances and impertinences must not tempt us to forget that it was Ben Jonson who wrote of Shakespeare those great and passionate lines:-- "Triumph, my Britain!
He spoke in a tone of intense kindliness, in order to make us forget the daily impertinences he had been guilty of towards us.
In one sense, the reader benefits by this, since there are few impertinences less forgivable than the obtrusion of some insignificant name into the narrative of facts that are meet for history.
And the worst of these impertinences is, that they give a Minister who is indisposed towards you a handle for refusing your just claims.
It was his peculiar felicity, not only to be born in a country of liberty, but in an age when all scholastic impertinences were banished from the world.
But to this I will answer, that nothing is easier than to exhibit in prose all the silly impertinences which a poet may have thrown out; but that it is a very difficult task to translate his fine verses.
I bear it most fully in mind, and I scout the vulgar impertinences of those who ridicule these marriages.
From how many troublesome and slavish impertinences .
Our legs skulked under the table as free from sartorialimpertinences as those of the noblest savages.
Judge by it whatimpertinences you may expect as I proceed.
We will not "peep and botanize" on sacred soil, nor submit our most refined delights to the impertinences of critical analysis.
It is only by exhibiting him as an audacious liar that his impertinences on the correspondent class could be tolerated, but they will surely not be touchy at being called to account by such a critic.
What in the name of all good manners does Lord Russell mean by writing impertinences to all Europe?
That kind was not exempt, any more than the Elizabethan drama or the modern novel, from the impertinences and superfluities of trivial authors.
With an amusing unconcern, and a very lively pen, the author hastens, on the first page, to give the lie to his title, and to inveigh against the impertinences of publishers in general.
The impertinences of the Press had greater terrors for his heart than aught else in life, and I resolved that he should taste them.
Liberty with us means the right to break heads at a county election, and to print impertinences in newspapers.
A man who scatters impertinences broadcast is only known for the merits of his cook or his cellar.
One must have gone through the ordeal of such a representation to understand its vexations, to know all the impertinences it can evoke from some, all the slavish attentions from others.
He assisted publicly at my toilette, he walked out with me, left me as little as possible, and sought by every attention to console me for the impertinences with which my enemies bespattered me.
Each day brought to me impertinences said of me by the noble ladies of the château.
Deprived of power, they consoled themselves with privileges, patented favors, impertinences vented on the common people.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impertinences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.