From the true object of science, as above stated, it follows that it is wrong to disseminate doctrines that are apt to injure mankind in the possession of the truth, which may even imperil the authenticated foundations of life.
If the state does not intend to abolish itself, it must not permit doctrines to be disseminated which imperil these foundations and, consequently, the peaceful continuance of the state.
Or had he, by some demoniac sorcery, guided the hand of the murderer against the life of the person who alone could imperil his own?
No pardon can be allowed to imperil the nation; nor can any pardon be allowed to imperil those who have a right to look to us for protection.
The Russian Government, thus challenged, would perhaps have taken the occasion to make war had not the French given it to be understood that they would not imperil European peace for such an object.
But an alliance with the Indians enabled the British first to possess themselves of Mackinac, at the junction of lakes Huron and Michigan, and afterwards to imperil Hull's communications through the Michigan territory.
Now, as ever, the impulse was given by the middle classes, and they were in no mood to imperil their own cause by revolutionary claims.
Without a defender or protector during this period when the mother is rendered measurably helpless by her condition, would imperil the safety and even the life of both parent and child.
If he does not change in this respect he will wander further and further from the law of the Lord, and imperil his soul, for dangers surround him on all sides like roaring lions.
She promised to confide this to my ear in church, and I shall find leisure to consider of it on my return home; but at any rate, and be it what it may, it cannot more greatly imperil your soul than marriage with a Melchite.
You know, princess, that in honouring me with your attachment, you imperil your sovereign rank?
It is the prospect of her life and fortune which you are consenting, if not urging him, to imperil for your own purposes.
Yet by later trains, by idleness, you deliberatelyimperil your future?
Mr. Vivian Howard, who, standing for English literature, would not lightly imperil his integrity.
He wrote a letter to Miss Todd in which he reviewed the history of his thinking on the subject of their marriage and frankly but tenderly stated his conviction that it wouldimperil her happiness to marry him.
They were to make more trouble but not again were they to imperil the foundations of law and order in the little community of New Salem.
He appears to plead that Jehovah should not imperil His own fame.
Here there is absolutely nothing required which could in any sense injure or imperil an innocent woman.
Whatever it may mean to ourselves, we will not do anything that will imperil the lives of the people you spoke of just now.
She knew that every cry, every expression of anxiety and trouble, would only imperil the condition of her husband, and her love gave her power to master herself.
They conjured her with tears to give ear to prudence--not to rush in vain into danger, and imperil the king still more.
If you knew, sir, how determined I am not to take offence at words which certainly imperil patience, you would possibly spare me some of these asperities.
It wouldimperil the very existence of nations; it would be bloody, atrocious, desperate.
True, my son, but the use in nine cases out of ten, leads to the abuse, and it is strange that mothers and sisters will imperil their happiness for fashion's sake.
Yes, even imperil your lives in his service, you who are his disinterested friends.
If we made any trouble, it would merely delay your journey and imperil a life at the other end.
Whatever the limitations of Jerry's mind or character may have been, Jerry had a keen appreciation of the danger to the negroes when they came in conflict with the whites, and he had no desire to imperil his own skin.
Knowing how many generations of men to the end of the world would imperil their lives on the truth of His words, He could not suffer treacherous ambiguity to creep into His meaning by omission.
They tell us, that this is the imprudence of women under temptation; and perhaps Anthony was pushed to the verge of the abyss from causes somewhat similar to those which imperil them, and employed the same kind of efforts in his resistance.
I don't like a system that permits knaves and fools to exercise a claim to imperil the lives of useful men.
How to prove it false in a civilized age, among sober-living men and women, with whom the violent assertion of bravery would certainly imperil his claim to brains?
She knew, without stopping to reason about it, that he would unhesitatingly imperil his life to save that of any woman.
What I knew of the matter might imperil me, but whilst I held the key to the reliquary, and held it fast, I might hope to remain immune though I must expect to be subjected to attempts.
She knew quite well that thus far she might appear in the matter with impunity, and she clearly was determined to say nothing that could imperil her.
Therefore I beg of your Imperial Highness to exercise the greatest discretion not to imperil yourself.
I don't want to be in your way or to do anything that would imperil my own vessel or inconvenience yours.