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Example sentences for "impeaching"

Lexicographically close words:
impe; impeach; impeachable; impeached; impeaches; impeachment; impeachments; impeccability; impeccable; impeccably
  1. Independently of the general reasons on which this rule is founded, its propriety and importance are greatly increased by the nature of the impeaching power.

  2. He soon after fell again into the hands of Justice, from whence he escaped by impeaching Allen and Chambers, two of his accomplices, and so evaded Tyburn a second time.

  3. Surratt is also called for the purpose of impeaching Mr. Evans.

  4. The law prescribes the methods by which testimony is to be discredited, and the eminent lawyers who defended the prisoner were of course well acquainted with the legal methods of impeaching testimony.

  5. This evidence was so conclusive of their guilt as charged, that had they been before the Commission they could only have escaped conviction by impeaching the government's witnesses.

  6. They asserted their right to assent to legislation, and (1376) they exercised hte right of impeaching before the House of Lords government officers guilty of misuse of power.

  7. Meanwhile the Commons gained, for the first time (1376), the right of impeaching such ministers of the Crown as they had reason to believe were unfaithful to the interests of the people.

  8. You were foolish enough to insult me in Baltimore by impeaching my loyalty to the South, and I resented it, as any man would.

  9. The young officers whom he had met upon the road had their quarters at the hotel at which Lewis had stopped, and under their friendly guidance no one thought of questioning his truthfulness, or impeaching his professions.

  10. Well, I admit that your faith does more for you than my disbelief does for me; but I cannot believe what you do without impeaching both the wisdom and the beneficence of the Deity.

  11. By illegally impeaching the leaders of the Opposition, and by making in person a wicked attempt on the House of Commons, he stopped and turned back that tide of loyal feeling which was just beginning to run strongly.

  12. In that quotation is involved all that we find in the older records which wears even a semblance of impeaching her testimony, or suggests any reason why we should distrust its intentional accuracy in any particular.

  13. The house of representatives, whose members are chosen directly by the citizens for four years, one-half retiring every two years, has the special power of impeaching the president and cabinet officers.

  14. He persuaded them that Hastings was a tyrant and a monster, and moreover that a damaging blow could be dealt to Pitt by impeaching the great governor.

  15. The minister was foolish enough to take this stuff seriously: he arrested Sacheverell, and announced his intention of impeaching him for sedition before the House of Lords.

  16. You are impeaching even the unhappy monarch whom you profess to defend.

  17. Impeach a nation, you are impeaching only your own rashness and presumption.

  18. In that of the Earl of Derwentwater, he suggested that the proceedings in the House of Commons, in impeaching him, were illegal.

  19. When Clarendon was banished, the prevailing party, and especially the Duke of Buckingham, entertained a design of impeaching the Duke of Ormond, and succeeded so far as to deprive him of the lieutenancy of Ireland.

  20. He detailed a pretty long and not improbable conversation, in which Norfolk had asserted the king's intention of destroying them both for their old offence in impeaching his ministers.

  21. In the absence of circumstances which generate suspicion, every witness is to be presumed credible, until the contrary is shown, the burden of impeaching his credibility lying on the objector.

  22. They contented themselves with impeaching the sincerity of the assurances, calling the concessions "shams.

  23. This is a new doctrine of check and balance, according to which the constitution has unwisely given to an infant Legislature the power of impeaching their guardians, the judges.

  24. Can you impair its force by impeaching the motives of any member who voted for it?

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impeaching" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.