We have sufficiently demonstrated the impassibility of intelligible "being" which is entirely comprised within the genus of form.
Of the Impassibilityof Incorporeal Entities (Soul and and Matter).
We must still further preliminarily insist on the impassibility of matter; for by using the usual terms we might be misled into wrongly thinking that matter could be affected.
Impassibility implies the total loss of the power of suffering.
Besides the attributes which immediately flow from the fact that our animal bodies will rise spiritualized, there are two more qualities, which we shall now consider; namely, the impassibility and immortality of our risen bodies.
But rising with the gift of impassibility does not mean that our bodies will be unfeeling as marble statues.
The Impassibility and Immortality of the Risen Body VIII.
He, then, who wishes to arrive speedily at a blessed impassibility and to reach God, counts that day lost on which he has not been ill-spoken of and despised.
What is this impassibility but freedom from the vices and passions, purity of heart, the adornment of virtue?
Mona's impassibility was gone, and her questions, like her breath, came hot and fast.
His impassibility was only feigned, and this is the curious side of the story.
He had been iron in his impassibilityat that time, but he was steel now, and steel which had been through the fiercest of fires.
A lofty impassibility marked her demeanor, and she let them do just what they liked with her.
Seeing her reduced to silence, and not exactly distinguishing between impassibility and yielding, Mrs. Bazalgette delivered the coup-de-grace.
But soon recovering his impassibility he looked sideways at Narr' Havas without turning his face.
For thirty years he had driven his most faithful servants to despair by his stolid impassibility to English insult and aggression.
Philip’s own impassibility for once gave way at the affecting scene, and for some time he could not summon sufficient composure to speak; and when he did, alas!
So long as the soul experiences even moderate passions, the soul's progress towardsimpassibility remains in need of improvement.
Temperance is the intimate conversion of the soul towards Intelligence, while courage is the impassibility by which the soul becomes assimilated to what she contemplates, since the soul's nature is to be impassible.
He wrote: "With regard to the impassibility of God, I think there is a stone wrong among your foundations which causes your difficulty.
Well then--there being no occasion for grief in watching the progress of his own perfect and unfailing plans--your difficulty in God's impassibility vanishes.
The impassibility of God (1) With regard to the Incarnation, this presents no difficulty.
Thirdly, this was suitable, lest men might seek to be baptized for the sake of impassibility in the present life, and not for the sake of the glory of life eternal.
He undermined the doctrine of impassibility by the very measures he took to secure it.
The impassibility of God is the corner-stone of spiritual monotheism.
As a result monophysite theology oscillated between denial of the impassibility of God and denial of his three-fold personality.
Theopaschitism, the doctrine that openly denies the impassibility of the godhead, flourished in the monophysite churches.
Impassibility was one of the highest attributes of this being.
Now the soul derives this impassibility from the virtue which hinders her from sharing the passions of the lower principle with which she is associated.
Beset by an idea, gradually becoming more and more imperious and exclusive, Jesus proceeds henceforth with a kind of fatal impassibility in the path marked out by his astonishing genius and the extraordinary circumstances in which he lived.
He interprets the documents according to his own idea; he has not the absoluteimpassibility of Matthew and Mark.
My impassibility rather disconcerted him, as evidently he expected me to consider him very funny, and laugh at his droll antics.
This is all the work of Dona Josefa," thought he, and the form of the handsome matron seemed to rise before him from the billows of the Pacific, and stand with Juno's lofty majesty in severe impassibility before his sad gaze.
Hence it behooves that our bodies should remain, for a time, subject to suffering, in order that we may merit the impassibility of glory, in conformity with Christ.
Because it is right that we should first of all be conformed to Christ's sufferings, before attaining to the immortality and impassibility of glory, which was begun in Him, and by Him acquired for us.
So saying, he turned towards the door, where Rodin still stood, silent and attentive, dissembling with habitual impassibility the fatal hopes he had just conceived in his brain.
For the moment he lost the sense of his wound in a sudden speculation about this new form of feminine impassibility revealing itself in the sylph-like frame which he had once interpreted as the sign of a ready intelligent sensitiveness.
The constant nourishment of the pulp, so to speak, of that polished skin is an arm given to women by Nature to resist the invasion of wrinkles; in Camille's case it was aided by the calm impassibility of her features.
This peculiarity gives to her face the calm impassibility of the savage.
The impassibility of that fine head, the fixity of that glance, cover irresolution and weakness, which the keenly intelligent and sarcastic smile belies.
Notwithstanding the impassibility which the Indians believe it a duty never to abandon, their features, unknown to themselves, had an expression of ill-concealed joy.
Mérimée acknowledges that much of his own and Stendhal's impassibility was pure posing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impassibility" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.