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Example sentences for "iciness"

Lexicographically close words:
ichthyosauri; ici; icicle; icicles; icily; icing; icings; ick; ickle; icon
  1. His reverence of the baroness gave his cold blue eyes the iciness of her loathed letter.

  2. The evening was one of wonders for which I had no name--wonders associated with an iciness that was far from agreeable.

  3. In sharp contrast with this handsomeness of spirit is the iciness of her purpose as regards the Boche.

  4. Adam was pale, and all the iciness was gone from his blue eyes, which were deep and dark and very human.

  5. What staggered him most was Ebenezer's iciness and his statements with regard to the possessions left by Edward Harbor.

  6. There was an angry iciness about Dick to which David was entirely a stranger.

  7. The iciness benumbing her neck crept into her arms and spread down to her very finger tips.

  8. The iciness gave way to a painful fever, which throbbed in her temples, and hung a red curtain before her eyes.

  9. Now what do I get out of the iciness over Suzette's cheque?

  10. I was quite determined the iciness should come from me first, not her, for a few days.

  11. With what calmness and iciness she had accepted all he had scarcely dared to tell her for fear of crucifying her: the August without travelling or holiday-making, and the September separated and far away!

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iciness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.