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Example sentences for "hurricanes"

Lexicographically close words:
hurrah; hurrahed; hurrahing; hurrahs; hurricane; hurried; hurriedly; hurries; hurry; hurrying
  1. Several small schooners and a steamer were anchored close to us; and ahead, the white coral city that has been wrecked by revolutions and hurricanes a dozen times, until it now resembles an old European city with decayed castles.

  2. Every season, scores of lives are lost in the hurricanes that sweep over the islands; the sand, being so close to the water, will often be levelled off to the water-line.

  3. Thunderstorms are rare and hurricanes are unknown in the Hawaiian Islands, hence the deep large bays form very favourable shipping ports.

  4. Hurricanes have also often visited the country and through such low and flat lands have spread their defolation far and wide.

  5. After such a long and general drought the inhabitants having usually observed hurricanes and tornadoes to follow in autumn, they began accordingly to look out with superstitious dread for them, as that season of the year approached.

  6. This salt lake is swept by hurricanes and storms, so that the fishermen's boats are often in danger and frequently sink with all on board.

  7. This was in November when storms and hurricanes prevail.

  8. According to their accounts hurricanes are sufficiently frequent in the island, but they never attain such violence and fury.

  9. But the notion of the non-existence of hurricanes in these waters is so pertinaciously maintained that it was no wonder the careful and able Spanish commander had also been misled.

  10. Hurricanes and the yellow fever are most melancholy arms of defence; and, if they only injured the enemy, the Spaniards, who are as much exposed as other Europeans to the fatal influence, would be the true enemies of Cuba.

  11. This would cause an increase of precipitation in winter as well as during the months when tropical hurricanes abound.

  12. From January to March, when sunspot numbers averaged more than forty, the number of tropical hurricanes was 143 per cent greater than when the sunspot numbers averaged below forty.

  13. Footnote 133: A comparison of tropical hurricanes with earthquakes is interesting.

  14. Hurricanes of Australia and the South Pacific.

  15. This is not a large correlation, yet when it is remembered that the hurricanes represent only a small part of the atmospheric disturbances in any given month, it suggests that with fuller data the correlation might be large.

  16. During tropical hurricanes a change of pressure amounting to half an inch in two hours is common.

  17. The increase in tropical hurricanes at times of abundant sunspots may also have a bearing on the climate of regions that are now arid.

  18. During the glacial period some of the hurricanes probably swept far over the lands.

  19. Now suppose that cyclonic storms should be greatly reduced in number so that in the zone of prevailing westerlies they were scarcely more numerous than tropical hurricanes now are in the trade-wind belt.

  20. Many of the available tracts were so narrow that the cost of embankment was very high in proportion to the area secured; and hurricanes from oceanward sometimes raised the streams until they over-topped the banks and broke them.

  21. The molasses, the scum, and the juice of the canes tainted by damage from rats and hurricanes were carried to vats in the distillery where, with yeast and water added, the mixture fermented and when distilled yielded rum.

  22. The jungle was lashed and stripped with hurricanes and on several occasions the earth trembled.

  23. Then the monster of the dream broke out of its fixity and with a shriek of hurricanes aimed a terrific blow at the prow of the Wastrel.

  24. Just what the fool sailor finds who has the idea that he's bigger than tides and gales; who fancies he can sail his little duck-pond boat in the gulf stream, through reefs and hurricanes and bring it out with the paint fresh.

  25. Hurricanes always do shift," observed Captain Trevelyan: "but we must hope for the best.

  26. The more furious hurricanes often do not last for any length of time.

  27. The hurricanes of artillery fire which our gunners poured upon the enemy positions for twenty miles in depth churned up deep shell-craters which intermingled and made pits which the rains and floods filled to the brim.

  28. The dread of hurricanes to the people of Barbadoes is tolerable in comparison with the irrepressible apprehensions of bloody rebellions.

  29. In 1835, the first year of the new system, the colony was visited by one of the most desolating hurricanes which has occurred for many years.

  30. Another very characteristic storm path may also be referred to in this connection, the curved track along which West Indian hurricanes travel up the coast.

  31. I continue to enjoy perfect health, and the little political squalls which I have had to weather here are mere capfuls of wind to a man who has gone through the great hurricanes of English faction.

  32. To a person accustomed to the hurricanes of English faction this sort of tempest in a horsepond is merely ridiculous.

  33. The late hurricanes had so destroyed and altered the paths, that only Natives who knew them well could follow them.

  34. Immediately after Miaki's threat about bringing a storm, one of their great hurricanes actually smote that side of the island and laid everything waste.

  35. We will find out why they sought your life, and we will rebuke their Sacred Man for pretending to cause hurricanes and diseases.

  36. And then there would also come the cold blasts of winter, the disasters of slack times, the hurricanes of consumption carrying off the weak, whilst the strong clenched their fists and dreamt of vengeance.

  37. He studies the phenomena of hurricanes with almost pleasurable interest, while his comrades on the ship abandon hope.

  38. Earthquakes have riven it, hurricanes unroofed it, and time devoured it, but it is still magnificent in its ruin.

  39. Bath House was closed, but the island was always gay until the dead heat of summer came and hurricanes threatened but rarely thinned the heavy air, when although tropical storms were frequent, the rain was as hot as the earth.

  40. Besides, Captain MacNab knew that we had provisions for six months, and he might not like to trust the vessel to the hurricanes that often precede the rainy season.

  41. I welcome the thunder storms as a variety, I look upon the earthquakes as a desirable change in something, I watch the hurricanes with a sort of insane desire that they would blow us all away!

  42. The reason we made our side roofs slope down so much was to allow the rain to fall off quicker, and to let hurricanes blow over us, if possible, without finding any resisting substance the wind could blow away.

  43. These hurricanes are extremely dangerous, and are far more frequent in the American seas than in the East Indies.

  44. It is remarkable that the hurricanes are less frequent as we approach the higher latitudes in either hemisphere, so that they are not to be feared beyond the lat.

  45. It is also remarked, that hurricanes rarely happen in the middle of the wide ocean, but chiefly on the coasts of such countries as abound with minerals, and off the mouths of large rivers.

  46. In the East and West Indies, the natives are able to foretell hurricanes and tornadoes, not from any superior skill, but by observing certain signs which usually precede them.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hurricanes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.