The traveller prepares the ground which may yield a hundredfold afterwards.
The ear of wheat returns a hundredfold the grain from which it grew.
And yet, would it not make their parting a hundredfold more bitter when it came?
The average boy of to-day who wishes to obtain a liberal education has a better chance by a hundredfold than had Daniel Webster or James A.
Everywhere it is the educated, the trained man, the man whose natural ability has been enlarged, enhanced one hundredfold by superior training, that is wanted.
And thanks will be deepened a hundredfold if, while eating, you call for a long refreshing draught of Munich beer.
Worse a hundredfold you may do than to mix Mocha with Mysore; theirs is one of the few happy unions.
The bandits who guard us are a hundredfold more cruel than the ferocious beasts of the desert.
Montagnais's squaw has only fifty "beaver" coin, and her desires are a hundredfold what those will buy.
He will get powder and clothing and food and tobacco whose first cost has been increased a hundredfold by ship rates and railroad rates, by keel-boat freight and pack-horse expenses and portage charges past countless rapids.
Their confidence in him increased a hundredfold by this proof of the accuracy of his foresight.
Bear in mind that a few really good plants will give a hundredfold more pleasure than a great many mediocre ones.
Let the inner edge of the border curve, as shown in the illustration accompanying this chapter, and the result will be a hundredfold more pleasing than it would be if it were a straight line.
A garden of well-grown plants, though limited in variety, will afford a hundredfold more pleasure to the owner of it than a garden containing a little of everything, and nothing well grown.
The hundredfoldfruit is ascribed to virginity, according to Jerome [*Ep.
Now the greatest reward is due to virginity, namely the hundredfold fruit, according to a gloss on Matt.
But if I might not triumph and give thanks yet I well might love--might clasp the beloved one to my heart with a hundredfold the former tenderness.
Although of late years we have increased a hundredfold (literally a hundredfold within the memory of men still living), we are far from caring effectively for our flocks.
But this boon was not sufficient to satisfy the desires of the Irish people, and possibly had it been a hundredfold greater, it would not have been deemed sufficient.
In this hundredfold are included many privileges and favors bestowed by God upon His chosen spouses.
In answer to this, we must remember that a hundredfold in this world and life everlasting in the next are promised to those who leave all to follow Christ.
Now tell me, Julian, to whom belongs the social organism, this vast machinery of human association, which enhances some two hundredfold the product of every one's labor?
To whom, then, properly belongs that twohundredfold enhancement of the value of every one's labor which is owing to the social organism?
The progress of invention had been so great in the nineteenth century as to multiply from twentyfold to many hundredfold the productive power of industry.
This mood, forgotten since his early youth, rises up again in hundredfold strength, and his very soul overflows in scorn for the sex.
Our Lord has multiplied their joy, so that they see clearly how He had given them a hundredfold for the one thing they have left, [15] and for which they cannot thank His Majesty enough.
We never thoroughly believe that God rewards a hundredfold even in this life.
The implacable animosity of Heyling, so far from being satiated by the success of his persecution, increased a hundredfold with the ruin he inflicted.
If their most intense gratification had been awakened by seeing him wheeled in, how many hundredfold was their joy increased when, after a few indistinct cries of 'Sam!
And yet, could it be because she had lost him, she asked herself, with fierce rage and longing, that he was a hundredfold more precious now?
May it be returned to him a hundredfold when he encamps without the gate of Babylon, and I, even I, Assarac, governor of the city, bow my head at the door of his tent to do him honour!
And it mattered a hundredfold as much that our noble General was not only vexed, but angered more than one could hope of him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundredfold" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.