Then he pulled off a gown he had on, worth an hundred dinars, and said to Khalif, "Take this gown in lieu of thine own.
And he continued to sell ten dinars' worth of fish daily for ten days, till he had gotten an hundred dinars.
When the maiden saw this, she rejoiced in her brother's prowess and coming up to him, kissed him between the eyes.
More-over, each of his men draweth an hundred dinars a month; and they are now returning to their barrack from the Divan.
The Khalif lifted it and found it weighty; so he gave the fisherman a hundred dinars, and he went his way; whilst Mesrour carried the chest to the palace, where he set it down before the Khalif and lighted the candles.
Quoth the Khalif, 'Wilt thou go back with me to the Tigris and cast thy net yet once more on my account, and I will buy of thee whatever comes up for a hundred dinars?
I hear and obey,' answered I, and rising, donned my handsomest clothes and jewellery and took with me a purse containing a hundred dinars.
She opened it and found in it all her raiment as she had left it and therein I saw the two purses of fifty and an hundred dinars which I had given her, untouched and tied up with my own tying, wherefore I praised Almighty Allah.
I thanked him and gifted him with an hundred dinars, and he went away grateful.
They are indeed a mighty host, and thou hast not the wherewithal to maintain them; but wilt thou sell them to me for an hundred dinars a head?
And he commanded to cast over him a mantle of Egyptian satin, worth an hundred dinars.
Then she gave me a hundred dinars for my pains and I took it and returned to the palace, when I found the Sultan come back from hunting; so I took my pension of him and made my way back to Baghdad.
He will mourn for thee and say to his treasurer, ‘Give Abu al-Hasan an hundred dinars and a piece of silk.
Quoth the Sultan, "By Allah, this wight deserveth an aidance for that he paid down for thee an hundred dinars and he hath presented thee in free gift to me.
Then she bade her treasuress give Nuzhet el Fuad a hundred dinars and a piece of silk and said to her, "O Nuzhet el Fuad, go, lay him out and carry him forth.
She will mourn for me and weep and bid her treasuress give thee a hundred dinars and a piece of silk and will say to thee, 'Go lay him out and carry him forth [to burial].
He will mourn for thee and say to his treasurer, 'Give Aboulhusn a hundred dinars and a piece of silk.
Then the scoundrelly sham minister said in secret to the king, "Though I have given you every day five hundred dinars, nevertheless, by the favour of your Highness, I have amassed fifty millions of gold pieces.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundred dinars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.