Herewith the earle making still intercession for pardon, the lords humblie besought the king to grant it.
Alexandro thanked him humblie of his comfort, and said vnto him that he was redie to imploy him selfe where it should please him to commaunde.
Then you shall write vnto him a letter with your owne hande, letting him therby to vnderstande the paine that you suffer for the great loue you beare him, and ye shal humblie beseech him, some times to come and visite you.
Whiche the other gratefully accepted, humblie praying that his Lordshyp would commaunde him and that he had, when he pleased, and to commaunde him as his very humble and obedient seruaunt.
I humblie beseche thee, the simplicitie of my deare husband, who dealeth thus with mee, rather through the circumuention of deceiptfull cauilling slaunderers, then by his owne malice and crueltie.
I Humblie cease to trouble yo{r} Ho any further at this tyme.
But I humblie beseech your maiestie to enter a little into your selfe, and make a suruey of your life, that you haue ledde these three yeares paste.
Finallie yet once againe, I humblie besech your honour gratefully to accept this booke, and at your Leisure and conuenient time to reade and peruse it.
I humblie beseech you therfore (good madame) to tel me if your selfe wil not vouchsafe to giue me al your ayde and fauor that you possiblie can, for thobteyning of the same.
Humblie sheweth unto your good lord yo{r} poore and dayley orators Thomas Ffawcett, Thomas Humphry, and Nicolas Farnes [?
Madam, at such time as I heard you call, A gentleman, it seemes of good discent, Humblie did crave accesse unto your honor.
Letters[189] of Mart I humbliethen intreate, To cease on Rovers that doe secure the seas.
Hauing receiued O Lord God these holie mysteries, we humblie beséech thée that the participation of this sacrament may rid vs of our guiltinesse, and in this thy seruant set foorth the truth.
I pray for your honourable happinesse, and so humblie kisse your handes.
Till then, wishing your Ladiship all increase of honour and happinesse, I humblie take leave.
My master Gonellus doth now "humblie advise" her he hath so often chid.
Wherefore, if it would like his grace to take the crowne vpon him, they would humblie beseech him therevnto.
The Lord of Heven requite you, for I and my poore frends shall never be able, and so with teares I humblie take my leave.
I have sent myne aunswer enclosed, the onlie part of my dutye that I cold performe, moste humblie beseeching your goodnes to accept it in good part, and to be a father unto me as you have begunne.
The Erle of Murray send message unto the Quene of the mervalouse victorye, and humblie prayed hir to schaw that obedience to God as publictlie to convene with thame, to geve thankis unto God for his notable deliverance.
And so I feined a cause to depart, and with a merrie countenance and a despitefull heart I tooke my leaue humblie of him (he thinking nothing lesse than that I was displeased) and so returned to Brecknocke to you.
Humblie beseching you, if it be your pleasure, to make spede hither.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humblie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.