For a few moments there was silence, then a chorus of howls came from deep in the woods behind them.
A frightful concert ofhowls and roars broke out on all sides at the sound of the horse's flight and huge shadows bounded along past Don Torribio.
Four shots were followed by four howls of pain, and the noise produced by branch after branch in the fall of the wounded wild cats.
Hardly a family inhabiting the centre of the city survived in full; hence along the walls, at the gates, on all roads were heard howls of despairing women, calling on the dear names of those who had perished in the throng or the fire.
Amid shouts and howls it was difficult to inquire about anything or understand what was said.
Because the heavens are in a blaze--because the tempests howls around us, I would have you for the time seek a shelter.
And when, amidst howls of delight from the School House, the same runner ran past the stone with his long, effortless stride, before any of the others were in sight, the crowd settled down breathlessly to watch for the second man.
He mounted the platform amidst howls of delight from the gallery.
The appalling howls of the wolf still rung in my ears; and though I slept on, it was under the impression that the monster was about to attack me.
Fast as we went, the brutes came on faster at our heels, and their horrible howls sounded louder in our ears.
They howls when they're sick, and they're allers sick, and never larns to tell a marlinspike from a belayin' pin.
Gerard across the road, and flew to the first tree and climbed it, Gerard the same on his side; and as they fled, both men uttered inhuman howls like savage creatures grazed by death.
One was a large one, attended with noise and howls and those indescribable cries by which rude natures reveal at odd times that relationship to the beasts of the field and forest, which at other times we succeed in hiding.
My appearance was the signal for a succession of howls and yah!
The swan utters its wild note, the gruya whoops over the stream, and the wolf howls on the skirts of the sleeping village.
A few cracks of their long whips, a few answering howls from the dogs, and the Esquimaux were off and out of sight, leaving the Dolphin in her former solitude under the shadow of the frowning cliffs.
They turned tail and fled, followed by the disappointedhowls of O'Riley, and also by his cudgel, which he hurled violently after them as he pulled up.
The howls were continued with all the eagerness which showed that the brutes were close upon their prey.
The cowardly brutes, catching sight of the party, sneaked off with howls of baffled rage, and were soon beyond hearing.
After that kick your right and left neighbours; then carefully rub your hands in the dust and pass them several times over your countenance, all the while making the most hideous and abominable howls and shrieks you can invent.
As soon as it was evening Tom repeated his howls and shrieks, with even more vehemence, if possible, than before.
I soon realised, however, that the howls proceeded from the basement of the prison, and I knew that some wretched man was being flogged.
The monkeys chattered; a terrific roar from a gorilla resounded through the forest, mingling with the howls of hyenas.
He was afraid of the bright light, and his howls testified how enraged he was.
We hollaed and shouted also, so our shouts, mixed with the howls and shrieks of the gorilla, made a charming concert in the jungle.
Not even the cry of an owl or of a hyena disturbed the stillness; no elephant's footstep came to awake us from our slumber; the howls of the leopard were not to be heard.
Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye, / Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare, / Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky.
Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare, / Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky!
To sleep, while those dismal howls broke the stillness of night, was simply impossible.
Before our eyes were closed the horrible chorus of howls and yelps and barking recommenced, and continued apparently on every side of our camp; still, while the fire burned brightly, there was no fear of the brutes rushing in on us.
The howls which we had before heard, again broke out, and the brutes appeared to be coming nearer.
The medicine-men, hideously disguised, stood on projecting pinnacles, beating their drums and scattering curses and incantations to the winds; and all the populace joined in derisive howls and taunts.
Thrice he shouted through the summons; but each time his voice was drowned by the howls and shrieks of the enraged savages, and a hail of stones and arrows fell dangerously near.
He heard howls and curses, groans and shrieks, confusingly in chorus as if a battle were raging.
Howls of renewed wrath went up from Devil's Row throats.
Their howls expressed pain in a degree to delight Jim Grimm and to inspire him with deadly strength and purpose.
Then a furious outcry, a confusion of howls and screams, a war-whoop and a rush of feet.
Be modest, Skipper Bill, and reef the Venture when she howls for mercy.
Soon the dog's howls could be heard no longer, with the noise of the wind and the endless slashing of the breakers on the shore.
A sailor thought he heard the barking of dogs; but they paid no attention, for the howls of their own poor beasts, wandering aimlessly on the floes, often came to them.
The despairing howls of their lost dogs cut them to the heart.
Gwennola with a gasp, as the howls and yelps grew nearer and more insistent on every side.
And not only was their progress slow, but dangerous, as Gwennola knew well, for the yelping howls from the forest grew ever more importunate.
Be quiet, my darling, be quiet, my child; Through withered leaves the wind howls wild.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "howls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.