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Example sentences for "housebreaker"

Lexicographically close words:
hous; house; houseboat; houseboats; houseboy; housebreakers; housebreaking; housecarle; housecarles; housecarls
  1. All the assemblage, accompanied by Jonathan, set off in this direction, when it turned out that the supposed housebreaker was a harmless beggar, who had been found asleep under a hedge.

  2. He's the most daring and expert housebreaker that ever used a crow-bar.

  3. The corridors and staircase were dark, but by the time the squire had mounted on his gouty legs, candles had been lighted, and the face of the housebreaker was for the first time visible.

  4. But surely madame la princesse must appreciate the police might be at a loss to know which housebreaker to arrest.

  5. The word would not have been exchanged, but that the housebreaker was unable to open the door: on which he was expending fruitless oaths and violence, when the Jew came panting up.

  6. The housebreaker freed one arm, and grasped his pistol.

  7. The housebreaker flung the girl from him to the further end of the room, just as the Jew and the two boys returned, dragging Oliver among them.

  8. An investigation took place at the Lambeth Police Court a few months ago, where the poor girl who had been made the tool of the housebreaker attempted to commit suicide in order to prevent the consequences of her folly.

  9. As the swellmobsman stands at the head of this school, so the cracksman or housebreaker stands on the highest pinnacle of the other great division of crime which attains its ends by force and courage.

  10. The corridors and staircase were dark; but by the time the Squire had mounted on his gouty legs candles had been lighted, and the face of the housebreaker was for the first time visible.

  11. If your housebreaker found that he had to deal with a patent lock, he would cut the window pane, by placing brown paper over the glass and working over that, so that no noise is made.

  12. A housebreaker has been caught with as many as thirty of these pick-locks in his possession.

  13. The Life of JOHN PRICE,[56] a Housebreaker A profligate life naturally terminates in misery, and according unto the vices which it has most pursued, so are its punishments suited unto it.

  14. Amongst the rest of Barton's acquaintance there was one Yorkshire Bob, who was reckoned the most adroit housebreaker in town.

  15. At length turning housebreaker he was committed for feloniously stealing five pounds out of the house of John Spence, for which fact, at the sessions following, a bill of indictment was found against him, and he was thereupon arraigned.

  16. The Life of JOHN DYER, a most notorious thief, highwayman and housebreaker My readers cannot but remember the mention often made of this criminal, in the former volumes.

  17. Forget, for a moment, the question of how he got in, and turn your energies to finding some clever and expert housebreaker who is at large.

  18. At once, Blagden put his arm around him, and half drew, half carried him into the bushes, but at the contact the housebreaker could not keep back a groan.

  19. Here's Mills, pals with the celebrated Stoat, who claims to be the best little housebreaker in New York.

  20. But to his dismay the housebreaker showed a wonderful vitality and tenacity of life.

  21. The distance was too insignificant to give occasion for fear, but still Gray barely cleared it, and fell in the drain where the housebreaker was standing.

  22. The housebreaker now took the coil of rope in his hand, leaving a length between him and Jacob Gray of about three yards merely, and then he nimbly got out at the window.

  23. The word would not have been exchanged, but that the housebreaker was unable to open the door, on which he was expending fruitless oaths and violence when the Jew came panting up.

  24. A clamorous consultation, spoken in half a dozen different dialects, now ensued, as to how the housebreaker was to be disposed of.

  25. What the housebreaker saw was a vision of dazzling beauty in a flood of light.

  26. The housebreaker had mounted a fresh disguise for the occasion, and flattered himself, to use his own expression, that he looked "quite the gentleman from top to toe.

  27. To be sure the shooting of an armed housebreaker was justifiable, but the thought of coroner's inquests and dallyings with the police filled him with horror.

  28. He knew the general neighborhood too well not to be sure that it was not a region where a housebreaker of even the most exalted rank could live unchallenged.

  29. Easy, then--the window being left open--for some midnight housebreaker from the street to have come in and attacked him.

  30. It is no housebreaker that has done this.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "housebreaker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.