We had the regular quadrille d'honneur with the Princes and Princesses of Wales, Denmark, Sweden, Countess of Flanders, and others.
You are my principal, and I see zat your honneuris satisfy.
Next him on the extreme left was his friend the basso, in high leather boots, growling from time to time during a sustained chord, "Mon honneur et ma foi.
Car de la depend son bien, honneur et repoz, et qu'il lui semble pour maintenant que l'on debvroyt proceder a plus grandes censures et a la invocation du bras seculier.
Spanish doublons, to be paid to the Prince of Wales for the ransom of Du Guesclin, adding, "il touche notre honneur grandement.
His dramas, La Jeunesse and La Pierre de Touche, were evidently inspired by Ponsard's L'Honneur et l'Argent.
He was an old friend of Madame de Maintenon, and it was to her he was indebted for his post of chevalier d'honneur in the new household.
I have already mentioned him as having been made chevalier d'honneur to the Duchesse de Chartres at her marriage.
An institution upholding honor, the source of emulation, is one similar to the Legion d'honneur of the great Emperor Napoleon, not harmful but helpful to the success of the service, but not a class or court privilege.
I am an admirer of Montesquieu," replied Prince Andrew, "and his idea that le principe des monarchies est l'honneur me parait incontestable.
I did not stop for explanations, but bidding him follow me with his horse, I led Fatima by a shorter and more direct route straight from the Grille d'Honneur to the little château.
Grille d'Honneur and shining in the misty moonlight.
Then through the Grille d'Honneur and between two stone dogs at the foot of the slope that led up to the ruins of the Grande Château.
Zay desire zat your Excellency does zem ze honneur to fire ze first gun," explained the French general.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honneur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.