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Example sentences for "honest money"

  • The true issue for 1880 is national supremacy in national matters, honest money and an honest dollar.

  • Why,' says the speaker; 'because he has brought greenbacks up to par value, and is in favor of honest money?

  • He is one of the ablest defenders of honest money that we have in the northwest.

  • The country is infinitely indebted to you for redeeming its faith by a return to honest money.

  • Why not join our propaganda in advocacy of 'honest money.

  • We have, so far, examined these various plans for amending our faulty money system rather in regard to the truth of their pretences than in regard to the requirements of an honest money.

  • In this way, and in no other, can an honest money be obtained.

  • Without desiring to be ill-natured, I must say it seems to me that a man has a queerly constituted mind who insists that that is the only "honest money.

  • We certainly do want to pay our debts in honest money.

  • The advocates of the gold standard call this "honest money.

  • UTLEY 37 Points in the American and French Constitutions Compared, NIELS GRĂ–N 49 Honest Money; or, A True Standard of Value: A Symposium.

  • Free speech is the brain of the Republic; an honest ballot is the breath of its life; honest money is the blood of its veins; and the idea of nationality is its great, beating, throbbing heart.

  • Honest money, an honest people, an honest Nation.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "honest money" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    attendance upon; buried city; excellent master; existing species; four seconds; further remarks; good town; honest face; honest fellow; honest industry; honest living; honest money; honest penny; honest people; honest thought; honest woman; honest work; honestly believe; human authority; inform against; lay and collect taxes; lignum vitae; little better; question here; sudden turn; virgin soil