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Example sentences for "homiletical"

Lexicographically close words:
homicida; homicidal; homicide; homicides; homiletic; homilies; homily; homine; hominem; homines
  1. The homiletical as well as the eucharistic services were at first held daily; at a later period at least every Sunday.

  2. In the Greek church preaching retained its early prominence; the homiletical productions, however, are but of small value.

  3. In =Practical Theology= homiletical literature was but poorly represented.

  4. But we may take a homiletical use out of that apparent affinity, and recognise that a spirit in rebellion against God necessarily gravitates downwards, and becomes more or less bestialised.

  5. In like manner, his being cast into the sea and swallowed by the great fish, is a poetic reproduction, for homiletical purposes, of Israel's sufferings at the hands of the heathen whom it had failed to warn.

  6. There is no system of ethics in Abraham bar Hiyya, and we shall in the sequel select some of his remarks bearing on ethics and pick out the ethical kernel from its homiletical and exegetical husk.

  7. Moses Alshech in calling his homiletical commentaries Torah of Moses, and R.

  8. We find no trace of the original ideas or characteristic eloquence of Tauler; while the language and homiletical arrangement of the sermons are quite different from those of the great Dominican preacher.

  9. It is unmethodical and badly digested, homiletical in style, and abounding in biblical quotations.

  10. He is even more discursive and more homiletical in style; he adds fresh citations of the Scriptures, and additional explanations and moral reflexions; and all this with so little judgment that he often leaves confusion worse confounded (e.

  11. In a plain, practical way he shapes the lessons to be derived from Ecclesiastes into a series of week-day lectures, and his book may be commended as worthy to take its place in the homiletical literature of Ecclesiastes.

  12. The history of preaching, the art of preaching, the analysis of a sermon in all its various parts, from the text to the peroration, constitute the first part of the homiletical manual.

  13. Herder’s own homiletical style during this period, as evinced by the sermons preserved to us, betrays no trace of Sterne’s influence.

  14. Critical, Doctrinal, and Homiletical Commentary on the Gospel of St. John.

  15. Theological and Homiletical Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke.

  16. Theological and Homiletical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles.

  17. Theological and Homiletical Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew and Mark.

  18. He was the author of many homiletical commentaries on the Hebrew Bible.

  19. He omitted all the homiletical passages, and also excluded those parts of the Talmud which deal with religious duties practicable only in Palestine.

  20. There is scarcely a chapter in all the Old Testament, and to a less degree in the New Testament, which may not be thus ingeniously transmogrified to meet almost any homiletical emergency.

  21. Their influence will show, both in the liturgical and homiletical portions of public worship.

  22. He serves a homiletical purpose in the Physiocratic speculations rather than fills an office essential to the theory.

  23. So it is something of a homiletical commonplace to say that the outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where one question grew before.

  24. Instead of this he harks back again to the dreary homiletical waste of the traditional Historismus.

  25. Such expressions are commonly of the nature of figures of speech and are serviceable for homiletical rather than for scientific use.

  26. The metaphors are effective, both in their homiletical use and as a labor-saving device,--more effective than their user designs them to be.

  27. The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Lygon, and a poll demanded by his opponent.

  28. I make no apology for the homiletical element in my book.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homiletical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.