But, on the other hand, he was never for a moment insensible to the moralhideousness and the tragic folly of Moor's conduct.
Its hideousness has shocked the sensibilities of dreamers and humanitarians.
And between the green woollen bell-ropes on each side of the fireplace and above the cold hideousness of the marble mantelpiece hung a portrait by Romney of a lady as beautiful as a flower.
It is habitual with this passion to hide its hideousness under the disguise of love, and thus this most sacred and hallowed name is prostituted to signify that which is most vile and loathsome.
For curiosity is a hungering appetite, virtue is often protected with a very thin veil, and vice can be made to lose its hideousness and assume charms, to untried virtue, irresistible.
Its lips were red--stained with the blood of the ant-eaters--and this added to the hideousness of its appearance.
The red hair covering its body and large membranous wings added to the hideousness of its aspect, and a more hideous creature could not have been conceived.
Oh, it is terrible even to think of the hideousness of it; but now they are all dead he cannot do it even though his poor mind, which seems well again, should suffer a relapse.
But Professor Maxon did not reply-he had returned to view his grim operations, and the hideousnessof them had closed his ears to the sweet tones of the girl's voice.
The filed and blackened teeth behind the loose lips added the last touch ofhideousness to this terrible countenance.
In the world of The Jolly Beggars there is more than hideousness and squalor, there is bestiality; yet the piece is a superb poetic success.
But 'the goodness of God leads to repentance' as the prodigal is conquered and sees the true hideousness of the swine's trough, when he bethinks himself of the father's love.
To these tents poor Nelly went as a slave; she dwelt from henceforth on the genteel outskirts of more or less prosperous manufacturing towns, and she soon profoundly regretted the frank grime and hideousness of Farnworth.
Their essential hideousness comes, I take it, from their essential and most abominable hypocrisy.
The eye never tires of such loveliness of hue, and the memory of the hideousness of this range, when a sun in front exposed each gaunt and barren feature, supplied the evening view with another element of attraction.
Rage may have been the passion that brought the colour to his cheeks; but I could perceive that my words had produced another emotion in his mind, which added to the hideousness of the cast at that moment given to his features.
Not with words can I express the suggestive hideousness of this thought.
The South African veldt in all its winter hideousness lies before you.
Witchcraft and superstition still rule the minds of the majority, and the former is practised in all its cruel hideousness in many parts of the country, although prohibited by law.
Alert and of a vivid and investigating mind, it did not take him long to discover the hideousness of that black monster, the Catholic Church.
One has but to inspect our parks and thoroughfares to realize the hideousness and vulgarity of the art manufacture.
They made a dead set against hideousness in all its aspects.
But, to be sure, there are reprobate natures which like to have the mirror held up to them, and revel in the hideousness of their own image, like apes who gaze at their reflection in a puddle.
Quite lately I have seen you in all the naked hideousness of your nature, and the depravity of your moral sense.
A toad, plump and bloated, lay unmoving before his path; the rays of the lamp fell upon its unshaped hideousness and red upward eye.
Perhaps in no country are there seen so many hags as in Italy--in no country does beauty so awfully change, in age, to hideousness the most appalling and revolting.
It can scarcely be doubted that he had an innate love of perfect form, an innate "sentiment against hideousness and rawness," and so he was a classicist by temperament.
As for the victims, as soon as they realised the full hideousness of their doom, their stoicism forsook them, and they flung themselves down upon the ground, and wept and implored for mercy in a way that was dreadful to behold.
Must they all remain there indefinitely, some gaunt and open to every blast and others closed and silent like tombs, in the wretched hideousness of their inutility and abandonment?
Even if it escaped the hideousness of sin, the hideousness of age was in store for it.
It might escape the hideousness of sin, but the hideousness of age was in store for it.
It was when he least endeavoured to conceal his character that its hideousness least appeared.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hideousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.