Wallflower, but by later herbalists and modern gardeners, as here, to a species of pink, Dianthus barbatus, Linn.
It was called by the old herbalists sanguinaria--"quia sanguinem sistet.
Outside the old herbalists the virtues of the bark and leaves of the peach tree have received little attention.
The old herbalists recommended the berries of the Juniper for use as counter-poisons and other wholesome medicines, and water wherein these berries had been steeped was held to be health-giving and useful against poisons and pestilent fevers.
In most of the Western Counties the plant is known as Organ-herb, and is much prized by old-women herbalists as a blood purifier.
The action of the Valerian-root (which the herbalists found out was very like a cat's eye) on the nervous system of some cats undoubtedly produces in time a kind of pleasant intoxication.
The Latin herbalists also called the plant Strumea, because it was used as a remedy for a complaint similar to the King's-evil, termed Strumae.
The old herbalists valued the small Houseleek, or Stonecrop, as a cure for ague and expeller of poisons.
The upper root of the Sword-flag was supposed by the old herbalists to provoke amatory passions, whilst the lower root was thought to cause barrenness.
The Linaria vulgaris, from its narrow Flax-like leaves, is known as Toad Flax, from a curious mistake of the old herbalists who confounded the Latin words bubo and bufo.
In England, the name Breakstone was bestowed on them for the same reason; the plants most employed by the herbalists being the Meadow Saxifrage, or Mead Parsley, the White Saxifrage, and the Burnet Saxifrage.
Hence, the Orchis-root not unnaturally became famous as a powerful stimulating medicine, and is so described by all herbalistsfrom the time of Dioscorides.
The plant was also considered a surgical plant, inasmuch as the old herbalists ascribed to it the power of drawing out arrows which were embedded in the flesh, as well as thorns and splinters, or "other such like things.
Old herbalists had great faith in the Dandelion as a wonderful help to consumptive people.
The old herbalists prescribe the distilled water of the Haws of the Hawthorn as an application suited to "any place where thorns or splinters doe abide in the flesh," the result being that the decoction "will notably draw them out.
The old herbalists called it Smerewort, and gave it for agues, as well as to cure melancholy humours.
The older herbalists esteemed them superior in comforting carminative [136] qualities to those of the fennel or caraway.
Various British herbalists have produced works, more or less learned and voluminous, about our native medicinal plants; but no author has hitherto radically explained the why and where fore of their ultimate curative action.
Hence the Orchis root became famous as all aphrodisiac [406] medicine, and has been so described by all herbalists from the time of Dioscorides.
These leaves and the fruit are often combined by our herbalists with the seeds of the wild carrot for stimulating the kidneys in passive dropsy.
French herbalists direct that when fresh, and recently crushed, the fruit shall be applied on the face at night for heat spots and freckles by the sun.
Old herbalists affirmed that the root of this same Bedstraw, if drunk in wine, stimulates amorous desires, and that the flowers, if long smelt at, will produce a similar effect.
All former Herbalistsagreed in pronouncing strawberries wholesome and beneficial beyond every other English fruit.
Lyte and other herbalists say concerning the Sanicle: "It makes whole and sound all wounds and hurts, both inward and outward.
Herbalists do not distinguish it virtually from the silky-haired Anemone Pulsatilla, which medicinal variety is of highly valuable modern curative use as a Herbal Simple.
It was a virtue to be comely in those days; as it is indeed a virtue now; and to the pious old herbalists it seemed an impossible thing that any creation which was beautiful should not also be good.
A far more probable reason for its presence at church was the quality assigned to it by Pliny and other herbalists down to Gerarde, that of staying the "yeox or hicket or hicquet," otherwise the hiccough.
On his either side are old clipped Yews; and at his feet a spade and pots of garden flowers, among them the Fritillary so beloved of all flower lovers and herbalists of that day, a significant flower--a flower of meaning and mystery.
For the same reason it was called by the French herbalists "l'herbe de la rupture.
Some of the old herbalistsspeak of moss gathered from a skull as useful for disorders of the head, and hence it was gathered and preserved.
On cutting the roots transversely, some marks are apparent not unlike the characters of a seal, which to the old herbalists indicated its use as a seal for wounds.
Medieval herbalists usually recorded anything that "Plinie saieth" with profoundest respect; not always so, quaint old Parkinson.
Eupatoria of Linnaeus - which figures so prominently in the writings of medieval herbalists as a cure-all.
Tansy tea, in short, cured every ill that flesh is heir to, according to the simple faith of mediaeval herbalists - a faith surviving in some old women even to this day.
The Herbalists took the narrowing road, from vision down to practice.
The last of the great English herbalists was John Parkinson, the author of the famous Paradisus and also of the largest herbal in the English language, Theatrum Botanicum, which was published when the author was seventy-three.
Feuillee, one of the King of France's herbalists .
The later sixteenth-century herbalists owed much to the famous herbalists of the Netherlands, and above all to that prince amongst publishers, Christophe Plantin of Antwerp, whose personality secured him a unique place in the literary world.
In common with other herbalists he believed also that herbs could be used to strengthen the memory, to help weak brains, to quicken the senses and even to soothe "frenzied" people.
The use of "mummy" is not only mentioned by all the later herbalists up to the end of the seventeenth century, but is even to be found in MS.
Indeed, there is a splendour about the works of the Flemish herbalists unequalled by any others of this period, with the exception of the Bavarian doctor Leonhard Fuchs.
Turner is one of the fewherbalists who cautions against the excessive use of any herb.
There is no comparison between them and the Italian herbalists of the Renaissance, who, for the greater part, devoted themselves to studying the classical writers and identifying the plants mentioned by the old authorities.
The herbalistswere never weary of teaching the value of sweet scents.
Foxglove (Digitalis) was praised by old herbalists for its various medicinal uses, "divers having been cured thereby of falling sickness.
The old herbalists commend the Common Centaury as a cure for jaundice and ague, and tell us that an infusion of the plant removes freckles.
The writings of the old herbalists of the 15th century show that in their times it had already developed several well-defined forms and numerous varieties, always a sure sign that a plant is popular.
The perennial species seems to have had the longer association with civilization; at least it is the one identified in the writings of Pliny, Albertus Magnus and the English herbalists of the middle ages.
The herbalists seem to have attempted to keep their business select by fencing it about with all manner of superstitions, most of which have for their moral that herb-collecting is too dangerous an occupation for the uninitiated.
In connection with the portraits of herbalists here reproduced, I wish to acknowledge the generous assistance which I have received from Sir Sidney Colvin, formerly Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum.
An overwhelming majority of the herbalists were physicians, who were led to the study of botany on account of its connection with the arts of healing.
The greatest name among British herbalists of the Renaissance period is that of William Turner, physician and divine, the "Father of British Botany.
The most famous of the French herbalists was Jacques d'Alechamps (Text-fig.
One of the chief of the commentators and herbalists of this period was Pierandrea Mattioli [or Matthiolus] (Text-fig.
As we shall show in later chapters, nearly all the herbalists whose work is discussed in the present volume were medical men.
When we turn from the botanical philosophers to the herbalists proper, we find an altogether different state of affairs.
I knew that all herbalists were versed in toxicology more or less, and had a vague idea that I might learn something from him.
It was only in the refinements of horticulture and botany brought about by the herbalists that true horticultural varieties came into common cultivation.
Gerarde's Hart is probably one of the Heart cherries, while "Luke Wardes Cherry" is one of the oldest named Sweet Cherries known in England, having been mentioned by Parkinson and other of the herbalists as well as in this list.
Some of the other old herbalists treat it more kindly, and some ascribe almost every virtue to garlic and onion.
The old herbalists make frequent mention of rue, and even in Anglo-Saxon times it seems to have been extensively used in medicine.
It is not easy to trace the probable origin of this belief, but many of the old herbalists mention the thistle as efficacious in cases of vertigo, headache, jaundice, and 'infirmities of the gall.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "herbalists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.