She looked challengingly at Newt and her eyes told him that, if she was silent under the shrewish heckling of the woman, she was quite ready to give him battle.
She, who brooked day-long heckling without retort, must now be answered without evasion.
We did not confine our efforts to heckling Mr. Churchill.
For one thing, our hecklingcampaign made women's suffrage a matter of news--it had never been that before.
To our custom of public heckling of the responsible members of the hostile Government we added the practice of sending deputations to them for the purpose of presenting orderly arguments in favour of our cause.
Joyce came out of Holloway, blithe and unrepentant, and hurried from a congratulatory luncheon to an afternoon meeting at the Albert Hall, and from that to the first round of the heckling campaign.
The heckling of Ministers at unsuspected moments was reduced to a fine art: the whole sphere of their activities seemed governed by an almost diabolical ingenuity and resourcefulness.
And thus the heckling went from street to street, being the usual mode, after the custom of those times, of shaming a backward combatant into action.
Illustration: 427] The accompanying figures represent in plan and section, the heckling machine which is made double, for the purpose of allowing two series of stricks of flax to be acted upon at one time.
Each heckling machine will produce about 4-1/2 cwts.
The spinning of tow requires a different treatment: we shall first treat of the heckling of flax by machines; and secondly, of the mechanical spinning of flax.
To conduct the flax upon the cylinders, two horizontal fluted rollers of iron are employed, which can be so modified in a moment by a lever as to present the flax more or less to the heckling mechanism.
The operation of heckling is simple in principle, although it requires much experience to acquire dexterity.
Though machine heckling be far from perfect, yet the tow it throws off can be spun into very good yarn by machines, while it would afford very indifferent yarn to the hand spinner.
Heckling poor Robin and getting your hair on end like a fretful porcupine.
So you've been heckling poor Robin as usual," she said, stroking her father's cheek.
She's heckling someone now--take my word for it," she said.
Chapter VI--Heckling His Excellency Rebels on the war path again.
But Matthew Murray's most important inventions, considered in their effects on manufacturing industry, were those connected with the machinery for heckling and spinning flax, which he very greatly improved.
His heckling machine obtained for him the prize of the gold medal of the Society of Arts; and this as well as his machine for wet flax-spinning by means of sponge weights proved of the greatest practical value.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heckling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.