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Example sentences for "heckler"

Lexicographically close words:
hecho; hechos; hecht; heck; heckle; heckling; hectare; hectares; hectic; hectograph
  1. Another farmer stepped up to the heckler and said: "Here is my hat, neighbor.

  2. If Colonel Roosevelt is nominated, I can say to the heckler with indignation and enthusiasm: 'I am mighty glad you asked that question.

  3. The heckler pondered a moment, and then enquired in his turn: "What did the Erpostle Paul say in one-oh-one?

  4. The ordinary heckler Mr Bickersdyke would have taken in his stride.

  5. When a genuine heckler interrupts, the orator either ignores him, or says haughtily that he can find him arguments but cannot find him brains.

  6. Billy Heckler started to shake his head, but Mart, getting behind Dick, made vigorous signals.

  7. Some men can't do anything with money except talk about it," Billy Heckler grinned.

  8. We-ell, I suppose I can do it," agreed Heckler at last.

  9. The river is a good place," Heckler argued.

  10. Mart Heckler had been two classes below him when Prescott had attended Central Grammar School.

  11. Radios, of course, had to be saved, and the Heckler & Koch MP5s and the Mac-10s.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heckler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bully; nag; pest; sadist; tease; teaser; torment; tormentor; trouble