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Example sentences for "heavy iron"

  • A heavy iron collar, with three long prongs projecting from it, was placed round her neck, and a strong and sound front tooth was extracted, to serve as a mark to describe her, in case of escape.

  • The last time I saw him, he had quite a heavy iron yoke on his neck, the two prongs twelve or fifteen inches long, extending out over his shoulders and bending upwards.

  • The average time in the "heavy iron" section, which included the greater part of the work under the river, was 1 hour 4 min.

  • In heavy iron = the time between putting in the first plate and placing the key only.

  • Oh, how I grieve to think that you did not fall, like the likes of you, under my heavy iron crucifix, which the Holy Father blessed!

  • He flung Hena behind him, and seizing a heavy iron coal-rake from the fireplace, was about to use it for a club, not even recoiling before murder in order to free himself from an importunate witness.

  • The dames in their schools used quite freely a heavy iron thimble, which by being snapped quite vigorously against a boy's head would make for him "thimell-pie.

  • This consisted of shackles attached to a heavy iron bolt or bar into which shackles the legs were thrust and then locked in with a padlock.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heavy iron" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great fire; heavy bodies; heavy bombardment; heavy burden; heavy cannonade; heavy crop; heavy fire from the; heavy guns; heavy hand; heavy heart; heavy losses; heavy machine; heavy rain; heavy rains; heavy shower; heavy sigh; heavy soils; heavy swell; nearly allied; poor things; practical value; realised that; shall love; started back; went afterwards; while ago