The cap is the ordinary flat, black vizored undress headgear of all the officers of the German army.
And the ground too was perfectly hard (compacted sand), but the thickly wadded headgear which I wore for protection against the sun saved my life.
Almost every man has large and finely-formed features; but his face is so thoroughly stripped of flesh, and the white folds from his headgear fall down by his haggard cheeks so much in the burial fashion, that he looks quite sad and ghastly.
Poison-gas was not one of the weapons used by the Turks, and the gas-masks seemed a joke to the groups of Australians trying on the headgear in the fields, and changing themselves into obscene specters .
It was all the extraheadgear available in this thrifty region.
Here come the children, with bobbing headgearof every color of the rainbow, yet the same scoop-pattern still.
But I would no more criticise the color of their headgear than the color in their faces.
The crowning point of his dress is the great conical, broad-brimmed hat, which is the main and peculiar characteristic of the inhabitants of this land; a national and remarkable headgear which is met with nowhere else.
This great headgear is also profusely ornamented with gold or silver lace, worn principally by the rancheros, and the owner's initials are generally worked upon the front of the crown in large gold letters.
Each diner donned his headgear and the comical appearance of the wearers drew forth many pleasantries and much laughter.
We bought souvenirs at the stalls of the fez dealers, where but one style of headgear was sold, always red in color, and with prices varying according to the quality of the cloth and lining.
These two Kurd fellows were in league with the robbers, and but for my friend's revolver and my Effendi headgear the day might have proved fatal to all of us.
One singular thing about all of theheadgear and other articles of wear was the profusion of human hair, which was worked into many of the garments or formed a prominent decorative feature.
The Professor drew up the mattress and brought out two different articles of headgear that had been taken four days before.
Why is it that these savages pay more attention to their headgear than any other part of their clothing?
Now the artist of the lady of dark headgearlet his imagination run free and produced a face typical of all the sins of the Decalogue.
And so Mother Shipton of Knaresborough was intended as the prototype of the inn portrait with black headgear at Camden Town.
Even her warm winter cloak was of heavy white wool, faced here and there with scarlet, to match the simple scarlet headgearthat suited her dark face so well.
Like Amy's, his headgear was always a Scotch Tam, and when it crowned his fair face Cleena thought him exceeding good to look upon.
He donned for headgear a fine salade that had not yet been devoured by the snails; this salade was surmounted by a swan's feather, to make him sing if he was killed.
Though the sun's rays are not now so fervent as they were in the dog-days, gardening without any headgear is dangerous, especially in view of the constant stooping.
The result has been that the headgear has been summarily withdrawn, by an order from the War Office, and the manufacture of more of the Albert hat has been absolutely prohibited.
This headgear was covered with black cloth, the crown and brim being of black-varnished leather; the band was of white worsted, as was the tuft, which was placed on a ball of red worsted.
On the other hand, his iron casque, much too large for him, kept falling over his eyes, an inconvenience that the worthy baker corrected from time to time by pushing his unlucky headgear to the back of his head.
Look out for your caps," came the warning, but it was not given soon enough to prevent some of the unwary from losing their headgear at the hands of the roughs who were out for the particular business that night of cap-snatching.
Hats were thrown over the goal posts by the hundreds, the owners entirely indifferent as to whether they ever got their headgearback again.
But he is a Prince of the Church and an aged man,' said Lady Drummond, who had already risen, and was adjusting that headgear of Eleanor's that never would stay in its place.
Jean cast a careless glance at the illuminations, and exclaimed at Queen Isabel's high headgear and her becloaked greyhound.
The contents of the swill-pail trickled down Betty’s finery and dropped sadly from the pink headgear of the ostrich.
Looking around the luckless boy saw hisheadgear in the middle of the font and turned to rescue it.
They remained breathless, and not even the double ostrich-feather in their headgear dared tremble.
This unique style of headgear was used by some Indian hunters for many years after they had guns to hunt with.
The girl raised her riding whip and struck repeatedly but futilely against the iron headgear of her assailant while he swung his horse up the road, and, dragging her palfrey after him, galloped rapidly out of sight.
Tearing the steelheadgear from him, she caressed his face, kissing the white forehead and the still lips.
There was a hatter who did all his own work, whose vats yielded all the headgear needed, from the finest to the commonest, and whose materials were the furs of animals caught or killed by the farmers' boys and brought to town for sale.
Gold lace on my coat always made me feel as if I were a child tricked out in red and yellow calico with turkey feathers in my headgear to add to the gorgeousness.
Like a swarm of mice in hiding, the gray silhouettes of Old Women in strange headgear are dimly discerned; also vaguely the outline of a large, lofty room.
During this conversation and the following, Old Women in strange headgear enter quietly and replace unnoticeably the Drunkards, who quietly depart.