In England the plan prevailed to some extent years ago of harrowing the fields in the autumn with heavy harrows until, when the process was completed, they would take on the appearance of the bare fallow for a time.
In doing it, disk harrows are driven over the field, usually two ways, the second disking being done at right angles to the first.
Spring-toothed harrows with their curved spring teeth enter the soil readily, draw moderately easy and pass over obstructions without much difficulty.
These harrows are shallow in their action; they run easily but tend to compact the soil more than the other types and are therefore better adapted to loose soils and to finishing off after the work of the deep cutting harrows.
The teeth of these harrows are round, square or diamond-shaped spikes fastened into a wood or iron frame.
Rolling cutters and spring-toothed harrows are apt to leave ridges and should have an attachment for smoothing the surface or be followed by a smoothing harrow.
These harrows cut and move the soil deeper than the other types.
Therefore the proper tools for after-cultivation in the garden are the hoe and rake and for field work narrow-toothed harrows and cultivators or horse-hoes which stir the whole surface thoroughly to a moderate depth.
Brush harrows are quite useful for brushing in seed and for pulverizing manure broadcasted on grass lands.
Many sensitive farmers trudge along in the soft ground and dust behind their harrows afraid of such old fogy ridicule.
No other sleigh or wagon will equal a stone-boat for carrying plows or harrows from one field to another.
To this beam are attached, with short chains, a couple of drags made like V-shaped harrows by driving pieces of rod iron through a heavy frame, shaped as a rectangular triangle (Fig.
When I got the last note from Harrows I saw it was 'A.
And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes.
Plows for breaking the land were sometimes constructed with a metal point and a wooden moldboard and harrows made of heavy timbers with large, sharpened wooden pegs for teeth.
Plows, harrows and cultivating implements were made on the plantation by those Negroes who had been trained in carpentry and blacksmithing.
I was driving the disc-harrows and he lay in the grass.
The roaring wind that swept the tableland drove clouds that never broke across the dazzling sky, and where there were belts of plowed land the harrows clanked across the furrows amidst a haze of blowing dust.
In the meanwhile, Leland, who had been driving the harrows all day, and had just come in, sat with Gallwey in the big room below.
There are some new harrows and seeders I have to wire about, but I don't expect to get in until daylight to-morrow.
Thirty years later the large farms of the Pacific states were ploughed, harrowed and sowed with wheat in a single operation by fifty-horse-power traction engines drawing ploughs, harrows and press drills.
Bush-harrows consist of a bundle of brush-wood held together by a pair of frames, and drawn over the soil when it is very dry and light; they are used chiefly to cover up the seed after “drilling.
Any of the harrows mentioned above (except the Meeker) and likewise the prong-hoe, will have to be followed by the iron rake when preparing the ground for small-seeded garden vegetables.
In plowing sod it will be well to have the plow fitted with a coulter, which turns a miniature furrow ahead of the plowshare, thus covering under all sods and grass and getting them out of the way of harrows and other tools to be used later.
That a bird was spitted on one of the harrows in the manner described, is a positive fact.
A farmer in Bute, some time ago, having sown his crop, set up a couple ofharrows in a field to dry, back to back, i.
He brought forth the people who were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brick kiln: and thus did he to all the cities of the children of Ammon.
He brought forth the people who were therein, and cut [them] with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes.
No inquiries from Europe coming in, and Manitoba dealers generally find little demand for harrowsor seeders this year.
They advanced in echelon, keeping their time and distance with a military precision; but in place of the harrows the tossing arms of the binders flashed and swung.
The horses harnessed to the ploughs and harrows were sleek and fat.
Oh, I meant to tell you yesterday, the harrows want repairing.
If it be naturally wet, break up deeply in very broad lands, on which the harrows may still be used, and drains sufficiently multiplied.
Let the harrows level and flatten your surface at the next operation; and continue them exclusively in all future stirrings.
If nothing else, this buys you time to recover from the harrows of your affliction.
But for all her courage she shook from the cold as badly as he, and her darkened eyes and sunken cheeks spoke plainly of the harrows of the cell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harrows" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.