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Example sentences for "gutturals"

Lexicographically close words:
guttered; guttering; gutters; gutting; guttural; gutty; guvnor; guy; guyed; guying
  1. Creek possesses all sounds of the general Maskoki alphabet; but here and in Hitchiti the gutturals g, k, χ are often pronounced with the tongue resting upon the fore or alveolar part of the palate.

  2. The white-eyed native hesitated, glanced uneasily at Terry's holster, then spoke in brief gutturals to his companion.

  3. The quavering gutturals of a half-blind old woman, wrinkled and shrivelled with a number of years no man could estimate, jarred the dumb circle.

  4. The Indian too came down, but he was long past talking English, and the gutturals came up in lumps, as though he was trying to keep them down.

  5. While nearly choking, he yet tried to mollify her, while her mother, seeing no harm was intended, pacified her in the soft gutturals of the race.

  6. Decidedly the most unpronounceable compound of gutturals ever formed for the communication of human thoughts, or the expression of human wants.

  7. It is infinitely softer and more free from those unpronounceable gutturals so common among the lower tribes.

  8. It appears as well that the harsh gutturals so constantly heard among the northern members of the Tinneh family, frequently occur in the Apache dialects.

  9. Grunts and gutturals abound, and there is a strong resemblance to the Hottentot click.

  10. It abounds with gutturals and "clucking" sounds, almost as difficult to analyse as to utter.

  11. And by and by the woman lifted her head again, the tears coursing down her face, and tried to explain, muttering her queer gutturals and making eloquent gestures until Margaret felt she understood.

  12. He drank, he uttered cruel gutturals at his squaw, and even kicked the feet of the sleeping papoose as he passed by till it awoke and cried sharply, which made him more angry, so he struck the squaw.

  13. The captain growled gutturals of relief and command.

  14. Undoubtedly this animal was a shipboard acquaintance, one who knew him well; but those detestable German gutturals disguised his accents quite beyond identification.

  15. There were threatening gutturals and gestures.

  16. Here and there low gutturals droned into the stillness, and at the west there was oath and whispered comment where the Bois-Brules camped together.

  17. A babble of voices told of pursuit,--shouts and gutturals that strung out from the camp all through the gorge and were beginning to flow with the river.

  18. Nothing was in sight, however; and after the usual sputter of gutturals which precedes any arrangement in this country, we were mounted in a high, awkward carriage, and rode to the town.

  19. Cocher stopped at the door, and we heard a general sputtering of gutturals between him, W.

  20. President Kruger was speaking; at least, they supposed that loud and deep mouthful of explosive gutturals and gurglings was his mode of expressing himself.

  21. The secretary explained this jumble of gutturals to our heroes.

  22. It is obvious that the gutturals are few and soft, and that the process of synthesis is carried further than in the Minsi dialect.

  23. The dialect of the New Jersey Indians was soft and vocalic, avoiding the gutturals of their northern relatives, and without the frequent unpleasant forcible expirations of the Nanticoke.

  24. Labials are formed chiefly by the lips, dentals by the teeth, palatals by the palate, gutturals by the throat, nasals by the nose, and linguals by the tongue.

  25. The gutturals are g, k, ch and h.

  26. Amid the loud and wondering exclamations of the white men, and the subdued gutturals of the Indians, whose straining eyes betrayed their interest, the swimmer, with lusty strokes, breasted the green billows as they came rolling into the bay.

  27. It was well indeed that I took this precaution, for the conversation I heard was in the low gutturals of men, and the words which finally came to me proved a most timely warning.

  28. The absence of labials and the frequent aspirated gutturals give to the utterance of the best speakers a deep and sonorous character which reminds the hearer of the stately Castilian speech.

  29. S and r are regarded as nearly simultaneous in their appearance; the gutturals as coming later, the latest of them being ch.

  30. Prima put the question with a glibness truly pleasing to the maternal heart, however the gutturals might grate upon the ear.

  31. From below came an explosion of thick gutturals and hissings.

  32. Pete answered haltingly, with frequent lapses into the gutturals and hissings of his native tongue.

  33. What few gutturals he uttered were directed to his warriors, not to Miles, nor did he offer to give the boy food.

  34. The two interpreters jerked out the gutturals of their outlandish tongue, to which the King grunted assent, or now and again the Governor spoke a measured word.

  35. He objected strenuously, his eyes red with hate and a torrent of harsh gutturals pouring from his lips.

  36. A tremendous voice boomed out over the hubbub, a voice that came from the crater in vast commanding gutturals that struck terror into the souls of the panicky barbarians.

  37. Then, as if with a single impulse, they looked at each other and broke into sudden harsh gutturals of triumphant laughter.

  38. This took the form of studying the Athabascan gutturals with the aid of Lachlan's second son, a boy of eighteen.

  39. Men who had lounged indoors, or against shaded walls roamed about, and half-breed women chattered in voluble gutturals back and forth between the cabins.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gutturals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.