These great gulphs in the two continents are under the same degrees of latitude, and nearly of the same extent.
De Fer and other geographers have even marked out these gulphs in their maps, nevertheless we are assured by the people sent by the Czar that they do not exist.
Struys and other travellers have asserted, that in the neighbourhood of Kilan, there were two gulphs wherein the rivers of the Caspian were ingulphed, and carried afterwards by subterranean canals into the Persian Gulph.
I could not grieve, when you complained That adverse gales our barque detained Where foaming seas to mountains grow, From gulphs of death, concealed below.
The porches will thus be united, and form one range of great open gulphs or caverns, ready to receive all comers, and direct the current of the crowd into the narrower entrances.
But few there are whom hours like these await, Who set unclouded in the gulphs of Fate.
Why but to sink beneath Misfortune's blow, With louder ruin, to the gulphs below!
But few there are whom Hours like these await, Who set unclouded in the Gulphs of Fate.
Why but to sink beneath Misfortune's Blow, With louder Ruin to the Gulphs below?
He bade the crew Bear me to King Acastus with all speed; But them far other thoughts pleased more, and thoughts Of harm to me, that I might yet be plunged In deeper gulphs of woe than I had known.
They loaded their Vessels with Cloves, till then unknown, and holding on that Trade, carry'd it to the Gulphs of Arabia, and Persia.
The first that made any Account of it, were the Chineses, who attracted by the Scent, began to load their Junks with it for the Gulphs of Persia and Arabia.
Further we perceive dreadful gulphs or whirlpools, which seem to attract vessels, merely to swallow them up.
The gulphs bordering on the coasts are much less deep, and the straits are generally the most shallow.
In order that these gulphs might be advantageously placed, they should be made in the obtuse angle of the river, for then the current of the water in turning would run into them, and of course its velocity would be diminished.
These effects of the water's fury might be prevented by making, at particular distances, small gulphs in the earth; that is, by cutting through one of these banks to a certain distance in the land.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gulphs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.