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Example sentences for "grum"

Lexicographically close words:
gruesome; gruff; gruffer; gruffly; gruffness; grumble; grumbled; grumbler; grumblers; grumbles
  1. How forlorn she had looked, sitting in the dirt, with her grum face!

  2. As she unwrapped it and came up to Molly, she saw what she had never seen before that minute,--a smile on the cripple's grum face.

  3. It was not grum now; it was lighted up with a smile, as her eyes dilated over the cake.

  4. The grum top-chain voice of Captain Spike had nothing there to mingle with, or interrupt its harsh tones, and it instantly brought on deck Harry Mulford, the mate in question, apparently eager to receive his orders.

  5. There is some Intonation in thy grum Monotony of utterance that strikes the spirit dumb, As we hear Through the clear And unclouded atmosphere, Thy palpitating syllables roll in upon the car!

  6. There is some Intonation in thy grum Monotony of utterance that strikes the spirit dumb, As we hear Through the clear And unclouded atmosphere, Thy palpitating syllables roll in upon the ear!

  7. As she unwrapped it and came up to Molly, she saw what she had never seen before that minute, — a smile on the cripple's grum face.

  8. Joe is about 20 years old, about five feet six inches high, heavy built, and has a grum look and voice dull, and black.

  9. This Schriner was described as a "low chunky man, with grum look, big mouth, etc.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    black; chapfallen; crestfallen; dark; dejected; dour; frowning; glowering; glum; grim; grum; lowering; melancholy; moody; moping; morose; sullen; surly