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Example sentences for "grown people"

  • God grant that the little children may not become like too many grown people!

  • One can well imagine the tender amusement over the little author, an amusement, however, which those wise “grown people” of 28 East 20th Street never let degenerate into ridicule.

  • I never once remember that we came to the “grown people” with that often-heard question “What shall we do next?

  • On our arrival in Liverpool we were greeted by the Bulloch uncles, and from that time on the whole European trip was one of interest and delight to the “grown people.

  • The sensitive feelings of children are constantly injured by lack of consideration on the part of grown people, their easily stimulated aversions are constantly being brought out.

  • Where the faults of children are concerned, at home and in school, we strain at gnats, while children daily are obliged to swallow the camels of grown people.

  • But children have a right to have feelings, or not have them, and to have them as undisturbed as grown people.

  • Just one night and plenty of grown people go, too, so the mothers never object.

  • How completely may the wills of a whole party of grown people be set at nought by the self-will of a baby whose powers are allowed to run riot!

  • An infant does not refuse food when it has had enough, as grown people can do.

  • If he is not sent to school, grown people must be his companions and playfellows,--the victims to his restlessness; and he must be troublesome.

  • What is there for us to do for the kids there that the grown people don't do?

  • It was done by grown people but it would be dear with little kids," urged Della, her round face beaming with the joy of her adaptation of the idea.

  • Yes, it's the simplest ever, and we can adapt one pattern to children of all sizes or to grown people," explained Helen.

  • Indeed, even we grown people, when we trace a design through glass or tissue paper, cannot follow perfectly the line which we see and along which we should draw our pencil.

  • And we know that even to us, as grown people, this costs no little sacrifice.

  • The children looked about amazed, they had never thought that even when sitting quietly they were making noises, and that the silence of a little babe is more profound than the silence of grown people.

  • How great their crime would turn out to be (now that it was in the hands of grown people) they did not know; but, since it concerned a horse, it would undoubtedly be considered of terrible dimensions.

  • Here the responsibility for things is directly traceable to grown people.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grown people" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acting engine; blue clay; brother officer; deputy sheriffs; executive officer; good preservation; grown caterpillar; grown from; grown people; grown person; grown woman; letters patent; manner aforesaid; moral purity; never meant; other employments; several other; several things; special orders; stone from; supreme effort; tarsal fold; took their; under pain; would refer; you tell