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Example sentences for "greyn"

Lexicographically close words:
greyhound; greyhounds; greying; greyish; greyly; greyness; greys; greywacke; grid; griddle
  1. His kyrtel of clene whiit, Clenlyche y-sewed, Hit was good y-now of ground Greyn for to beren.

  2. And by greyn that groweth, God ous alle techeth.

  3. Pow houssis doun, we sall nocht want adeill; “The auld temyr will ger the greyn byrn weill.

  4. Thir ar the syngnys that ye sall knaw him by; “A bar off blew in till his schenand scheild, “A bend off greyn desyren ay the feild.

  5. Quhais myrthfull notis langyng fortil heir, Ontill a garth vndir a greyn lawrer I walk onon, and in a sege down sat, 15 Now musyng apon this and now on that.

  6. Thai stalk about, and wardis changis oft, And sum tyme, on the greyn herbys down set, Thai byrll the wyne, and ilk man dyd hys det Fortil ourturn goblettis of mettell bryght.

  7. Be this the Queyn, throw hevy thochtis onsound, In euery vayn nurysys the greyn wound, Smytyn so deip with the blynd fyre of lufe Hir trublyt mynd gan fra all rest remufe.

  8. Plesance and joy richt hailsum and perfyte is; So that the wys tharof in proverb wrytis, 20 A blith spreit makis greyn and floryst age.

  9. He loketh as a sperhauk with his yën; Him nedeth nat his colour for to dyen With brasil, ne with greyn of Portingale.

  10. But first he cheweth greyn and lycorys, 3690 To smellen swete, er he had kembd his heer.

  11. In this yere greyn was suych plente that smal greyn was at xij d.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greyn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.