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Example sentences for "grands"

Lexicographically close words:
grandpapa; grandpappy; grandparent; grandparents; grandpas; grandsire; grandsires; grandson; grandsons; grandstand
  1. Jurer ses grands dieux = To affirm vehemently; To swear by all that one holds sacred.

  2. Les grands esprits se rencontrent = Great wits always jump together; We both said the same thing at the same moment.

  3. Then the four of us did the Grands Boulevards, the Rue de la Paix, and the principal streets in the heart of Paris.

  4. Real Paris shows are perhaps best to be found far from the Grands Boulevards, Clichy and Montmartre.

  5. For when one passes afoot up the Rue Richelieu, he is generally in a hurry to get to the Bourse or the Grands Boulevards.

  6. Nearer the flood took possession of the Quai des Grands Augustins with its famous book shop, and, on the other side of the Place Saint-Michel, the quaint old streets up to the Place Maubert.

  7. But the smaller cannon on wheels and the caissons took the route of the Grands Boulevards.

  8. On the Grands Boulevards and in our own Montparnasse Quarter, the Christmas crowds were like those of the happy days before we entered into the valley of the shadow.

  9. Xavier does not need to be on the Grands Boulevards.

  10. A few hundred feet from the Grands Boulevards, to the right of the Rue Saint-Denis, as you go toward the river, Paris of the Revolution remains in almost as full measure as in the Sixth Arrondissement.

  11. Fortunately, the chauffeurs had seen in the papers that a route across the Grands Boulevards would be kept open from the Rue de Richelieu to the Rue Drouot.

  12. She had begged so hard to be taken to the Grands Boulevards.

  13. Then we would walk back along the Grands Boulevards.

  14. Six years before the war, twenty-five francs would do the trick, and do it well, on the Grands Boulevards.

  15. Arrondissements One to Four are the old city on the Rive Droite between the Grands Boulevards and the Seine.

  16. The return from the Hôtel de Ville was made by the Grands Boulevards and the Rue Royale.

  17. From a Map in DE BRY'S Grands Voyages, 1598.

  18. From a map in De Bry's Grands Voyages, 1598.

  19. Queylus, that of Montreal, both "grands vicaires" of the archbishop of Rouen, to see that a bishop was necessary to restore the unity of government.

  20. From the day when Monsieur Darzac accompanied Mademoiselle Stangerson to the Grands Magasins de la Louvre until the day after the crime, he had not been at the Glandier.

  21. Closely watching Mademoiselle with the purpose of preventing her marriage with Monsieur Robert Darzac, he one day followed her and Monsieur into the Grands Magasins de la Louvre.

  22. The fact that Monsieur Darzac was with her in the Grands Magasins de la Louvre when the reticule disappeared could not pass unnoticed, and, it must be said, strongly awakened our interest.

  23. In their own houses they were really des grands seigneurs, and quite incapable of treating their invited guests with the insolence that became the fashion among the Jewish parvenus during the reign of the "citizen king.

  24. The men of the aristocracy of the Revolution were less clever and satirical than the women; but, on the other hand, they had far more of the distinguished bearing and graceful urbanity of the grands seigneurs of the olden time.

  25. As he gave a larger size to the American parts than to the others, the commonly used title, referring to this difference, was soon established as Grands et petits voyages.

  26. It was these "grands couchers" at which my father never assisted.

  27. The "grands hôtels" of the resorts recognize this and cater for the tourist accordingly.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.