In the gradations of color as defined in art, purple is a mixture of red and blue.
To mark withgradations of light or color; to shade.
The severalgradations of the intelligent universe.
I said about the gradations of experience,--that "to be brought prematurely near perfect beings would chill and discourage.
No pale gradations quench his ray, No twilight dews his wrath allay; With disk like battle-target red, He rushes to his burning bed.
It is a work which arrests the eye by its resemblance to the style of Raffaello, though his harmonious gradations have not been well observed, and the colouring inclines more to the strong than to the beautiful.
All the gradations from a torrid to a temperate clime are here found in a region that lies wholly within the northern tropic, altitudinal variations taking the place of and producing all the effects elsewhere attributable to latitude alone.
Her hand lay unresistingly in mine; her charming figure came by soft gradations nearer and nearer to me; her head almost touched my shoulder.
I can easily recall the rapid and subtle manner in which her sympathies twined themselves round mine; but I fail entirely to trace the infinite gradations of approach by which she surprised and conquered my habitual reserve.
The magnificent sarcophagi of white marble recently discovered at Sidon, belonging to the best type of Greek art, are most effectively adorned with different tints and gradations of red and purple, gold being sparingly applied.
And between those born alive and healthy and the still-born, lie all the infinite gradations of constitutional condition between life and health, between disease and death.
That is to say, that the color changes imperceptibly in subtle gradations of light and shade.
The idea is to break up the surface into various sized dots, as the various gradationsof color on the original cannot be transferred by any other method to a sheet of copper and etched.
Nothing can be more picturesque than the appearance, at evening, of all these terraces rising in gradations one above the other.
Any image, which being refracted by the lens of this instrument falls upon the table in its dark chamber, may be secured with its most delicate gradations of shadows, upon either a metallic or a paper tablet.
The physical variety in the human race is infinite; so are the gradations and combinations of color; yet we expect a few forms of dress to suit every age and complexion!
The most obvious is, that we have gradations of mimicry and of protective resemblance--a fact which is strongly suggestive of a natural process having been at work.
It is impossible usefully to define any of these forms, because there are indefinite gradations to each other form.
It is when a slight but permanent and hereditary modification of form exists in company with the parent or typical form, without presenting those intermediate gradations which would constitute it a case of simple variability.
She is a storehouse of imagery expressing the subtlest gradations of his feeling.
Undoubtedly, if he could show one or two gradations between the paw of the bear and the flipper of the seal, or between the foot of the mole and the wing of the bat, he would have a powerful argument indeed.
Around are vari-colored trees and shrubs, and these objects and conditions all combine to produce a mystic revelation of color gradations and harmonies, from emerald green and jade to the deepest amethystine or ultra-marine.
It is well known that the waters of oceans and seas exhibit similar gradations of chromatic hues in certain regions.
Here are shades and gradations that to reproduce in textile fabrics would have pricked a king's ambition, and made the dyers of the Tyrian purple of old turn green with envy.
It is necessary to notice the fact that the permanent series of tools, buildings, and other active capital goods shows forever the same gradations of quality that are found in the case of land.
In the Maldive Archipelago all gradations between crescent-shaped islets and complete atoll rings have been observed.
All gradations may be found between it and unfoliated quartzite on the one hand and mica schist on the other.
The Neolithic stage of culture passes by insensible gradations into that of the age of bronze, and thus into the Recent epoch.
It may form only a gray film on the surface, or we may find it a layer a foot or more thick, dark, or even black, above, and growing gradually lighter in color as it passes by insensible gradations into the subsoil.
All gradations between it and phyllite may be traced, and in many cases we may prove it due to the metamorphism of slates and shales.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gradations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.