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Example sentences for "gondolas"

Lexicographically close words:
gompany; gon; gonad; gonads; gondola; gondolier; gondoliers; gone; goned; gones
  1. The richest hues of crimson and of gold, tinted the opposite heavens; while on those waters, over which the gondolas were swiftly gliding, quivered another city, the magic reflection of the one beneath them.

  2. They all pushed and jostled each other to see Beroviero's friends and relations, as they emerged from beneath the black 'felse' of their gondolas to enter the house.

  3. The gondola was therefore a great convenience, besides being a notable economy, and old Francesco Sansovino says that in his day, which was within a lifetime of Angelo Beroviero's, there were nine or ten thousand gondolas in Venice.

  4. If a few rich men indulged their fancy in the decoration of their gondolas, now that riding was out of fashion, the Council immediately determined that gondolas should be black and that they should only be gilt and adorned inside.

  5. He often snaked a load of gondolas or cattle cars up the grade, relieving both the puller and pusher steam locomotive.

  6. When she went on the two young fellows from Shopton gazed anxiously at the Hercules 0001, which stood between two gondolas in the forward end of the freight train.

  7. Thankfulness that he did not have a drag of fifty or sixty steel gondolas or the like to add their weight to the down-pull.

  8. Some of the enemy's ships and all their gondolas beat and rowed up within musket shot of us.

  9. Two of the gondolas proved to be past mending, and were sunk.

  10. The moment we had disembarked our luggage at the inn, we hired gondolas and rowed to the Piazza di San Marco.

  11. The other evening we were surprised by a perfect fleet of gondolas stopping under our windows, from one of which we had the most beautiful serenade; the moonlight was like day, and the effect was admirable.

  12. The charges for both gondolas and guides had, we found, been raised since the late troubles, in common with everything else in Venice, liberty being always somehow a provocative to taxation, whether temporarily or permanently enjoyed.

  13. The gondolas upon the canals are strictly the only conveyances used in Venice.

  14. Later, when they went to the spot where the gondolas were waiting, they found that Muriel's hotel was in a different direction from theirs.

  15. Not far from the hotel some gondolas were tied to the poles that marked their station.

  16. I used to think that only gondolas and small pleasure boats went on the Grand Canal.

  17. The gondolas are all, by order of the authorities, to prevent expensive rivalry in colours, painted black, and they have therefore a very funereal look.

  18. In many of them there are always for sale little models of gondolas in all kinds of material, from silver to leather and wood.

  19. The fares for the gondolas are very moderate, being with one gondolier 1 franc (lira) for the first hour, and half a franc for every other.

  20. I see again the dancing gondolas on the sparkling ripples as they wait round the ship; the hat and handkerchief wavings ashore and afloat, and Venice encircling the sprightly little drama with her gracious arms.

  21. Thither the crowd of gondolas now steered, and Antonio found himself carried along with the stream.

  22. The spectators, seized with a panic fear, fled in every direction, and sprang in crowds from the quays to seek shelter under the awnings of the gondolas covering the canal.

  23. Gazing about for some indication of its source, he saw several gondolas hurrying towards the grand canal, on which most of the palaces of the nobles were situated, and he ordered Jacopo to steer in the same direction.

  24. Often this select company entered one of the light gondolas in the little harbour, and Athalaric rowed them himself over the blue sea to one of the small wooded isles which lay not far away.

  25. At these squeri gondolas are built as well as cleaned.

  26. One or other of them, and sometimes three together, would let the ball drop, and run to the balcony to gaze upon their gallants, passing up and down in gondolas below; and then they would drop flowers or ribbands for tokens.

  27. And, of course, like London cabs, the gondolas may be taken off them for trips.

  28. Traghetti are stations for gondolas at different points of the canals.

  29. The gondolas moved turbidly upon the face of the waters.

  30. The wind inflated the empty folds of the crimson robe that draped the bier, carrying it almost into the water, as the gondolas glided away from the Piazzetta.

  31. The Lady Laura had never been more stately," they told each other when they entered their gondolas again, "nor more undisturbed.

  32. The glowing coals of cigarettes and cigars of the men in the gondolas were like low-lying stars, and the cold, bright flash of jewels woke here and there among the many beautifully gowned women.

  33. Here Merrihew found one of his dreams come true, and his first vision of the Grand Canal, with its gondolas and barges and queer little bobtailed skiffs, was never to leave him.

  34. From one barge to another the gondolas drifted, finally clustering round the middle barge of the Troupe San Marco, which offered the best voices.

  35. How picturesque the gondolas look, with their dancing double lights!

  36. The gondolas became free presently, and the way to the Campo Formosa was made without further incident.

  37. The private gondolas fell away from the middle of the canal, and left them free space for a trial of their speed.

  38. Mr. Alexander, as the audience in the gondolas were allowed to travel onwards along the Canal.

  39. A row of gondolas was stationed across the Canal on either side of the Palazzo Dario, and Mr. Fabian learned that they could not pass without a permit.

  40. When the Fabian party in their gondolas drew near the Palazzo Dario, they wondered at the crowd gathered in gondolas along both sides of the Canal.

  41. It was a novel experience to exchange motor-cars for the picturesque gondolas of Venice.

  42. It was a beautiful night, with a clear sky overhead and twinkling lights bobbing along the Grand Canal, as gondolas passed up and down filled with happy passengers.

  43. You wait here on line and see the play go on," said the officer, as he made an opening for the gondolas of the generous Americans to wedge in on the front line.

  44. In a moment the gondolas were side by side, and the greetings of a brother and sisters and mother long parted, followed.

  45. The gondolas slid side by side, and there was a constant hum of talk.

  46. Over them, like long black shadows, graceful gondolas slipped in silence, and electric launches with their fiery eyes crept across the vista.

  47. The basin was filled with gondolas gracefully plied by Venetians, launches moving both by steam and by electricity and gay sailboats of every description.

  48. The largest was wide enough to admit two or three of the largest piraguas abreast, and the smaller ones seemed intended only for the private gondolas of the royal family.

  49. A ceaseless activity reigns along the thoroughfares, among the little steam gondolas upon the many water-ways, and the myriad of passenger steamers which ply upon the lake.

  50. Thou knowest that the first trial is always between gondolas of many oars, steered by the best esteemed of the canals.

  51. When the three gondolas reached the side of the Bucentaur, the fisherman hung back, as if he distrusted his right to intrude himself into the presence of the senate.

  52. As the sun fell, the gondolas of the great and idle began to glide over the water; and when the two squares were cooled by the air of the Adriatic, the Broglio began to fill with those privileged to pace its vaulted passage.

  53. But the sleeping domes were too far for human strength, and the gondolas were sweeping madly towards the town.

  54. There is little difference, Signore, between the two, except that the men of the one go in gondolas with nets, and the men of the other are in the galleys of the state.

  55. The distance between the two leading gondolas even now seemed to lessen, and there was a moment of breathless interest when all there expected to see the fisherman, in despite of his years and boat, shooting past his rival.

  56. In the meantime, gondolas rich in carvings and gildings, and containing females renowned for grace and beauty, began to cluster in hundreds around the port.

  57. A few moments sent the leading gondolas several lengths ahead of their nearest followers.

  58. Similar spars, with painted and ornamented heads, that sometimes bore the colors and arms of the proprietor, formed a sort of little haven for the gondolas of the household, before the door of every dwelling of mark.

  59. Both gondolas are gone," was the answer; "that with the musicians is already entering the great canal, but that of the cavalier hath unaccountably disappeared!

  60. At this point, then, the gondolas were all assembled, attended by those who were to place them.

  61. The gondolas are moving away, and we have not made even the customary acknowledgments for their civility!

  62. The moving platform which bore the gondolas of the City of Venice majestically on their way, came to a sudden halt.

  63. The sea, always the sea, mostly mirror-like or gently lapping its waves at your very feet--and black gondolas everywhere.

  64. Other eyes from passing gondolas returned the glance with curious, smiling gaze and drifted past.

  65. The clear, tenor voice carried far, and occupants of passing gondolas turned to look and smile at the dark, handsome youth as they drifted past.

  66. We see little girls and boys go out in gondolas with their nurses, for an airing.

  67. And they had also brought pianos and guitars, and they played and sang operas, while the plebeian paper-lanterned gondolas from the suburbs and the back alleys crowded around to stare and listen.

  68. However, when I observed that the other gondolas had sailed away, and my gondolier was preparing to go overboard, I stopped.

  69. The gondola is painted black because in the zenith of Venetian magnificence the gondolas became too gorgeous altogether, and the Senate decreed that all such display must cease, and a solemn, unembellished black be substituted.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gondolas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.