Cancut's camp-fire now began to overpower the faint glimmers of twilight.
Katahdin's mighty presence seemed to absorb such dreamy glimmers as float in limpid night-airs: a faint glory, a twilight of its own, clothed it.
How often, at nightfall, by the last glimmers of daylight, have I not come upon him as I wandered through my garden, hunting for ideas!
The caterpillars in distress, starved, shelterless, chilled with cold at night, cling obstinately to the silk ribbon covered hundreds of times, because they lack the rudimentary glimmers of reason which would advise them to abandon it.
Yet upon the mist before us fix thine eyes with closer view; See, beneath its sullen skirts, the rosy morning glimmers through.
Behind him was the shadowed mantelshelf and the dark picture of a storm that occupied the whole width of the chimney shaft, obscured in gloom and touched only vaguely now and then with passing glimmers of candlelight.
Infernal glimmers disclose ranged lines of them, as long as roads, slender and trembling spaces of night, which daylight and even sunshine leave befouled with darkness and cyclopean dirt.
Meandering, we steer towards the infernal glimmers down yonder.
With their tearing lights and their dull glimmers they resemble in the distance a whole town making festival in the evening.
The depths of this abyss were populated withglimmers and murmurs; and all around a soaked and ink-black expanse of country glistened to infinity.
To brood on this the least little bit is verily, as I have said, to open up vistas--out of the depths of one of which fairly glimmers the queerest of questions.
From above, the great flowers hung down against the dull red of the sunset sky; and from below the distant treetops on the terrace pointed up with glimmers of the lake between.
The torchlight changed in the eyes of Joseph as the sun glints andglimmers on watered silk.
LOTUS HURT BY THE COLD How many times, like lotus lilies risen Upon the surface of a river, there Have risen floating on my blood the rare Soft glimmers of my hope escaped from prison.
The yellow straw hat, with its lavender ribbon, glimmers in Glasha's hands like some strange, low-fluttering bird.
The scene brought before us in these words is that of a company of belated travellers in some desert, lighting a little fire that glimmers ineffectual in the darkness of the eerie waste.
Think of the insufficiency of all such attempts, the feeble flicker which glimmers for an hour, and then fuel fails and it goes out.
The weary night is well-nigh spent, The lamp burns low, and through the casement-bars Gray morning glimmers feebly: yet no change!
The light radiates from the sparkling eyes of the little ones, glimmers in a faint smile on the pale cheek of the sick brother, and falls like a halo round the bald head of the doll.
Thousands have fallen on Africa's coasts, where they assembled for their long journey, thousands have sunk exhausted amidst the waves, thousands will die on the rocky island which glimmers from afar in the darkness.
Now and again they passed narrow rifts in the walls of the trench, entrances to dugouts betrayed by glimmers of candle-light through the cracks of makeshift doors or the coarse mesh of gunnysack curtains.
A thick, broad beam of light leaped out, buffeting the murk, striking evanescent glimmers from the rocking facets of the waters.
Fireless sits he, winter through, The logs beside his hearth: and as on them Glimmers the rime, so glimmers on his face The smile.
For lying broad awake, long ere the dawn, Staring against the dark, the blank of space Opens immeasurably, and thy face Wavers and glimmers there and is withdrawn.
Clouds and shadows are exhaled from the ground, and the light glimmers faintly.
If I lay on the floor of the Aegean and looked up to the sun I should not see such blue as glimmers in her eyes.
Then there is the Holy Place, dark and glorious, where the candlestick glimmers and the altar gleams.
But there is the inmost shrine of all within, where the darkness broods, lit at intervals by the shining of a divine light, that glimmers on the ark and touches the taper wings of the adoring angels.
Those glimmers of light between bough and trunk turned to yellow and red, the day-shine presently stretched like a canopy from point to point of the treetops on either side of my sleeping-place, and I arose.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glimmers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.