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Example sentences for "gladde"

Lexicographically close words:
glaciered; glaciers; glacis; glad; gladd; gladded; gladden; gladdened; gladdening; gladdens
  1. Holguin beyng gladde of the newes, gaue chase to that Canoa and ouertooke him.

  2. Cortes welcomed those Gentlemen, and was gladde of their cöming, hoping thereby to conclude and make some good ende.

  3. Garcia Holguin being a gladde man of his prysoner, tooke and carried him vnto Cortes who receiued him reuerently.

  4. For he can gladde and greve whom him lyketh; And, who that he wol, he laugheth or he syketh; And most his might he sheweth ever in May.

  5. They norisshe hem that graffen vynes; they maken men comfort in their gladde cheres.

  6. I would be gladde to hear oft from you and to be advertized how [illegible] passe whereby to haue some occasion to thinke some good thoughts though I can doe lyttell.

  7. Roland calls his I am ful gladde of here comynge, companions to arms.

  8. Gladde were al the Romaynes, like a devil.

  9. Thai kissed eche other with herte gladde And thanked god of his grace; 1864 And eche toolde othir, howe thay sped hadde, They told each other And howe thay come in-to that place how they had fared.

  10. Thai sayden alle, it was welle saide, And gladde thay were of this counsaile.

  11. Gladde men we be nowe here, 1860 To fynde Roulande and Olyue[rh] In helthe of bodye and of goode che[rh].

  12. Almyghty God and Seynte Denyse thanked God He thanked ful ofte sithe 916 And oure lady Marie of Paris, and St. Mary of That made hem gladde and blitħ.

  13. There thai were gladde and wel at ease; they dined off The Soudon̄ ne wist it noght.

  14. O happie he who doth possesse Christ for his fellow prisoner, who doth gladde With heavenly sunbeams, goales that are most sad.

  15. O happie he who doth possesse Christ for his fellow-prisoner, who doth gladde With heavenly sunbeames jails that are most sad.

  16. I wolde be as gladde that one gaffe yow a maner of xxli.

  17. Gornay, Lomner, and Skypwyth; and I ame ryght gladde to se in yow suche kyndenesse on to my brother as ye have doon to hym; and wolde by my trowthe lever than Cli.

  18. Radle thoghte that the seyde Scarlett wolde be gladde to gyff yow a noble or a riall ffor a sadell to amends, so that ye wolde sease and stoppe the bylle, whyche ye entende to putt into the corte ageyn hys Master Hastyngs.

  19. She kowyth nott of the mater, I suppose; neverthelesse she desyryd to see me as gladde as I was to se hyr.

  20. The thyrde is to be gladde & cherefull in thy herte to do suche dedes cõmaûded without ony cõpulcyon / settynge a side all beestly condycyons.

  21. Accõpt it for best medycyne / and be gladde in thy payne.

  22. Conon stepte to the kynge and presented his rote with a gladde chere.

  23. And vndoubtedly his grace woolbe as gladde to see your lordshippe as any man I suppose in his realme.

  24. Whiche I am as gladde to perceyve and see as your self could desire the same.

  25. Fulle hugelye gladde she seemeth, whenne They brynge herre a grete ratte, But styll moe gladde atte katchynge menne Ys Whyttingtone hys Catte.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gladde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.