Trowbridge then read a poem entitled "Filling an Order," in which Nature compounds for Miss Columbia "three geniuses A 1.
And in this way have geniuses in different parts arisen, destined to increase and improve such advantages.
These two kinds of geniuses seek each other like man and woman; but they also misunderstand each other--like man and woman.
That's very simple--just make geniuses of the public.
A survey of history shows us that, as a rule, religious geniuses attract disciples, and produce groups of sympathizers.
Your great organizing geniuses are men with habitually vast fields of mental vision, in which a whole programme of future operations will appear dotted out at once, the rays shooting far ahead into definite directions of advance.
And in what form should we conceive of that "union" with it of which religious geniuses are so convinced?
Thus will the practical and passive geniuses from being enemies of principles and stormers of virtue, become greater friends of both than faultless people can ever be.
The self to which Aristotle would have a man be true is at the opposite pole from the self that Ibsen and the original geniuses are so eager to get uttered.
Why should not our great geniuses of art and literature know, whilst they are amongst us, that we appreciate their work, and love them for the sweet lessons that they teach us?
Even the greatest of histrionic geniuses have to wait for their chances, and Kate Terry's first real opportunity did not come until 1862.
Whatever be our views, we must recognise that just as the great mathematicians and metaphysicians represent the aristocracy of the human intellect, so the great religious geniuses represent the aristocracy of human emotion.
Leaving for a moment the question of religious geniuses being the aristocrats of human emotion, we may take the same writer's view of the limitations of science, thus providing an opening for the intrusion of religion.
He claims, in the passage already cited, that "as the great mathematicians and metaphysicians represent the aristocracy of human intellect so the great religious geniuses represent the aristocracy of human emotion.
As a matter of fact, religious geniuses have often pursued their work with as much attention to scientific precision as was possible, and have prided themselves that they made no appeal to mere emotion.
Whatever the greatest geniuses of the kitchen can do, Félicité can and will do, and she has a loyal affection for her undeserving master, which leads her to attempt miracles and almost invariably to accomplish them.
It may be answered, that I had no right to argue from myself to the mob; and that other working geniuses have no right to demand universal enfranchisement for their whole class, just because they, the exceptions, are fit for it.
How, I kept marveling, could this be happening right under the nose of all our supposed geniuses of world finance?
You know, I used to have a hobby of reading biographies of the geniuses who'd come up with the truly original insights of modern times.
The respectable mediocrity of Chapelain might misapprehend him; the lesser geniuses of Scudery and Mairet might feel alarm at his advent; the envious Claverets and D'Aubignacs might snarl and scribble.
Lombroso has combed history, as it were, with a fine-tooth comb, and very fewgeniuses have escaped his notice.
The above list is by no means complete, and only contains the names of those geniuses with whom the world is well acquainted.
When we come to the geniuses of the New World, we find that, though few in number, they, nevertheless, show erraticism and degeneration.
Two originalgeniuses can rarely develop side by side, certainly not in marriage, least of all in a happy marriage.
But one has to know publicly acclaimed geniusesor consent to be thoroughly out of it.
Even geniusesmust be driven forth from the electric light to the stars, however unwilling to go into a healthy atmosphere.
Are we not liable to forget that the most brilliant geniuses may make mistakes sometimes, either from want of knowledge of facts, or from a psychological unwillingness to accept them?
But look, here's the little house where one of the greatest geniuses who ever saw the light in Scotland first opened his eyes.
On the contrary, I will venture to affirm that there would be found among your great geniuses many who would make a merit in following this novelty.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geniuses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.