Edwin, "The old geezer gets more long-winded every day.
Well, that geezer you was dickerin' with is a big buck Indian.
A geezer that'd work his hands these days is a--well, a geezer.
Elam was a mental Gnat and a spiritual Microbe, but theGeezer knew how to annex the Kale.
He tempered Justice with Mercy and quashed many an Indictment if the Defendant looked like a grateful Geezer who might be useful in his own Precinct.
Make Sanderson go home with the old geezer for supper; might just as well--it wouldn't hurt him.
There was a big geezer in a sunrise coat goin' by just then.
I don't know what it is, but there's something about that geezer that makes a fellow feel like crape on the knob.
I still wasn't taking too great an interest in things as I idly watched the old geezer rummaging around the cabin for something that got misplaced in the shake-up.
All at once, the idea that this anti-social old geezer had the drive or the imagination to murder his partner seemed ridiculous.
Then I could pack the old geezer back to Atronics City and get proof for the part I'd already figured out.
The next night, when we again sat down at the game, I again noticed that the young geezer had his eye on the dog's moves behind the chairs.
Between us we raised the other two out after it had gone around a number of times, and then that geezer with the three fours sat back to bluff me out, as I thought.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geezer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.