Behind the olivary body in the lower half of the medulla are three tracts named from before backward the funiculus of Rolando, the funiculus cuneatus and the funiculus gracilis (see fig.
Therefore in this case the attachment of the funiculus or stalk is about the middle, the chalaza is at one end, the orifice at the other.
HILUM, or Scar left where the seed-stalk or funiculus falls away, or where the seed was attached directly to the placenta when there is no seed-stalk.
HILUM, the place of junction of the funiculuswith the body of the ovule.
A singlefuniculus joins the posterior end of the stomach to the wall of the zooecium, bearing the statoblasts.
Dorsal surface (Of zooecium or polypide) the surface nearest the mouth; (of statoblast) the surface furthest from that by which the statoblast is attached to the funiculus during development.
Ventral surface (Of zooecium or polypide) the surface nearest the anus; (of statoblast) the surface by which the statoblast is attached to the funiculus during development.
The reproductive organs are borne on the inner surface of the endocyst, as a rule in a definite position, and often in connection with the funiculus or funiculi.
The funiculus umbilicalis is a smooth, cylindrical cord, from sixteen to twenty-three inches long, and as thick as the little finger.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "funiculus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: axis; bole; button; cane; fastener; girth; lacing; pedicel; reed; spear; spire; stalk; stem; stock; straw; trunk