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Example sentences for "fumigation"

Lexicographically close words:
fumed; fumes; fumigate; fumigated; fumigating; fumigations; fuming; fumo; fun; function
  1. However, they must keep epidemics away somehow or other, and fumigation is cheaper than soap.

  2. Some of the lower classes had rather die than wash, but the fumigation of strangers causes them no pangs.

  3. The aphis is easily killed by fumigation carried out on a quiet evening.

  4. One is fumigation by tobacco, either pure or in some of the numerous preparations offered, including several popular insecticides which have nicotine as a basis.

  5. Fumigation will settle the former; for the latter, dip the plants in a solution of tobacco-water and soft soap.

  6. Before they are put out the plants must be free from aphis; if not, fumigation should be resorted to once or twice until there is a clearance of the pest.

  7. Fumigation is the best remedy, and it should be undertaken in the evening; a still atmosphere renders the operation more certain.

  8. Generally speaking, the best remedy is fumigation with tobacco.

  9. If aphis has to be dealt with--and it is very partial to Calceolarias--fumigation is the best remedy.

  10. When the vessel is placed in position, and the vapour begins to issue out, if it is too hot wait for some time; if, however, it be of the proper temperature the reed should be introduced into the uterine orifice and the fumigation made.

  11. Fumigation formed an important part of the treatment of all varieties of disease of the uterus and vagina.

  12. Not so with the French novels that underwent fumigation and curtailment at the hands of decorous translators.

  13. Letters from plague-ridden shores are fitted for the perusal of the uninfected by fumigation and other mysterious processes.

  14. After a thorough fumigation with a great quantity of sulphur I managed to get the kennels disinfected, and did not have an outbreak again for several years.

  15. Three times during the year, in spring, midsummer and fall, the kennels are treated with a thorough fumigation of sulphur.

  16. Do not forget a thorough fumigation of the kennels, and all utensils, with sulphur.

  17. However, the fumigation was performed once more, and by four o'clock the whole ceremony was ended.

  18. We found that our apartments were not ready for immediate occupation, and we therefore had to remain a long time in the open air, until they had undergone a process of fumigation and ventilation.

  19. An important species in New Zealand is the greenhouse white-fly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), against which fumigation with calcium cyanide is the best as a check.

  20. For the fumigation of seeds, bulbs, potatoes, etc.

  21. It is not used as a spray unless emulsified, its chief use in horticulture being for the fumigation of the soil, glass-houses, stored seeds and vegetables, and imported plants.

  22. Control is effected by the agency of the ladybird, but epidemics sometimes occur with which the beetle cannot immediately cope; in such a case fumigation in the glass-house, or spraying with red oil in the open, should be resorted to.

  23. In the case of Eczema and Impetigo, the fumigation and internal administration are preferable, as the ointment is apt to increase the existing irritation.

  24. It may be administered externally in the form of fumigation or ointment, or internally in combination with an alkali or with Iodine.

  25. There are, it is true, certain kinds of fumigation adopted occasionally where these products are the materials sought.

  26. The following directions for its use are contained in a pamphlet recently distributed: “Spirocide is administered by means of fumigation and inhalation.

  27. Spirocide” (The Spirocide Corporation of New York) is advertised as a new and successful treatment of syphilis by fumigation and inhalation.

  28. Let the patient take one scruple and a half of pilon in water before going to bed; make a fumigation for the womb of mastic, frankincense and burnt frogs, adding the hoof of a mule.

  29. It is possible that a light fumigation with sulfur or formaldehyde might help to keep down molds in these common storage grape-rooms, but as to the value of fumigation there seems to be no experimental evidence.

  30. Spraying has been given up as a suitable method for controlling the black scale on citrus trees, and the only recognized method of merit where the scale is bad is by fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas.

  31. If satisfactory to the Department, this will be accepted in place of fumigation by the Department.

  32. Careful and continued isolation of the patient must be enforced until the case is terminated and fumigation has been ordered by the medical inspector of the Department.

  33. In private houses only fumigation may be performed under the supervision of the attending physician; provided he follow accurately the directions given in the following rules and regulations.

  34. At seven or eight feet to the west of the triangle they then kindled a wood fire, and placed over it a vessel containing a fumigation mixture of hypericum, vinegar, sulphur, cayenne, and mountain ash berries.

  35. The late Professor Slingerland very effectively used hydrocyanic acid gas fumigation in exterminating fleas in houses.

  36. Before fumigation a house should be vacated.

  37. Fumigation must be resorted to in more general infestations.

  38. The writer has most often started the fumigation toward evening and left it going all night, opening the doors in the morning.

  39. When flies are very abundant in a room they can be most readily gotten rid of by fumigation with sulphur, or by the use of pure pyrethrum powder either burned or puffed into the air.

  40. All cracks and openings should be closed with strips of paper and fumigation with burning sulphur or pyrethrum carefully carried out.

  41. Similarly the sulphur fumigation above prescribed may be dispensed with as unnecessary in this class of cases.

  42. After fumigation is over the contents of the jar should be emptied into the sewer or some other safe place.

  43. Still more efficient in large houses, or where many hiding places favor the bugs, is fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas.

  44. It also follows that the fumigation of one room in a house may endanger the occupants of an adjoining room if the walls between the two rooms are not perfectly tight.

  45. Where the infestation is considerable, fumigation with sulphur is advisable.

  46. The simplest and safest method of fumigation is by the use of flowers of sulphur at the rate of two pounds to each one thousand cubic feet of room space.

  47. In Africa, medical fumigation spread southward through the Negro country, finding its way to America perhaps a full century before the coming of Columbus.

  48. This fumigation took place through a funnel which very much resembles a modern pipe, but by its knot-like end at the bottom of the bowl shows its derivation from the distilling cap of the alchemist's retort.

  49. Towards the end of the century, the favourite device was fumigation with the vapour of mineral acids; one such plan, for which the Admiralty paid a good sum, ended in the burning of several ships to the water's edge.

  50. Fumigation in buildings is not so satisfactory, because it is difficult to confine the gases.

  51. However, it is so dangerous to human life that the novice should not attempt fumigation with it, except under careful instructions.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fumigation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    decontamination; distillation; evaporation; fumigation; hygiene; sanitation; smoking; steaming; sublimation; ventilation