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Example sentences for "frump"

Lexicographically close words:
fruits; fruity; frum; frumentum; frumenty; frumpy; frunt; frustra; frustrate; frustrated
  1. I pretended to, for I knew he wanted me to think that, but I had heard the butler tell the frump that the judge was reading.

  2. I could have choked the frump for so embarrassing her!

  3. The frump now was to be worked off on me, and I was expected to stand for it.

  4. The frump whispered to the man who opened the door.

  5. But the first thing we saw as the cage hit the bottom was a woman--and, dash it, the frump from China!

  6. Billings waved his hand to the frump as he mounted the stairway inside.

  7. For the frump was sitting there behind the steering wheel, looking down at me in a nasty, sidewise fashion.

  8. She thought so, for she opened the door herself as the frump turned, murmuring some silly thing about China and the open door to America.

  9. But, by Jove, it was worth sacrificing the frump fifty times over just to see Frances' face brighten and note her faint flush and smile as she looked at me.

  10. The frump was still hanging on him in a way to make you sick, and cooing and going on in a nervous, half-hysterical way I never would have thought her able to chirp up to.

  11. The frump kind of glared down the deserted vista of the fine old hall and shrugged her shoulders.

  12. The frump looked at Frances, then at Wilkes inquiringly.

  13. Billings was waving the frump away with his fat hand.

  14. What a frump Aunt Adolph-ine looks to-night!

  15. Good heavens, what a frump Cateau looks to-night!

  16. Frump inspecting me through a pair of eye-glasses as if I was a new kind of an animal.

  17. Frump,--the word calls up the exact picture; frump and fatuity.

  18. He always has some frump to pour tea and ask fool questions.

  19. The very sound of your name was enough to make me weep with delight, like that frump of a girl in the poem, when you gave her a smile.

  20. Matthew had come to esteem Mrs. Frump for her affectionate devotion to old Van Quintem; and Mrs. Frump had secretly admired the powerful though silent legal ability displayed by Mr. Maltboy in the inquisition before Coroner Bullfast.

  21. Mr. and Mrs. Frump lived happily on their country property.

  22. Old Van Quintem had hitherto hesitated to congratulate Mrs. Frump upon the reacquisition of her husband.

  23. It had the effect of bringing Mrs. Frump to the door.

  24. Mr. Wilkeson nodded, raised his eyebrows to signify that he appreciated the advice, and proceeded at once to aid Mrs. Frump in her benevolent task.

  25. In the first place, then this man Frump is really--dead?

  26. Mr. Frump tried experiments in blackberry raising, which proved a success, and was, at last accounts, concentrating his talents on the development of a new strawberry seedling.

  27. Mrs. Frump had frequently met Matthew on the street, and been gratified with his deferential bow.

  28. Mrs. Frump told Miss Whedell that she thanked her very much for the compliment, and laughed so prettily, that Fayette Overtop determined to apply some of his grand tests for the discovery of sensible women.

  29. Mrs. Frump was desperately trying to keep back certain private opinions that she had long entertained, but proved unequal to the effort.

  30. Colville could not decently keep on talking to Mrs. Bowen the whole evening; it would be too conspicuous; he devolved from frump to frump; he bored himself; he yawned in his passage from one of these mothers or fathers to another.

  31. He glanced, down at the frump on the sofa near, and realised that she had been making a long speech to him, which, he could see from her look, had ended in some sort of question.

  32. Have you forgotten that I am an old frump with gray hair?

  33. It would be her fate, her discipline, her cross, to have a frump brought hideously home to her.

  34. Mrs. Gereth had long ago generalized the truth that the temperament of the frump is amply consistent with a certain usual prettiness.

  35. One old frump that must have been tramming a mace in the Roman Hanging Gardens got a yen that was doing imitations she had Elsie Janis and Gertrude Hoffman looking like a couple of false starts.

  36. The idea of an old frump like that letting professional jealousy interfere with Art.

  37. Well my aunt did na frump or flite me, as I thought she would, but she held me by the hand, and looked hard in my face all the time.

  38. One thing was the same every time; they were never to cross or frump her, any way, but to humour and please her in everything.

  39. The Frump won't understand, my dear, but I think you do.

  40. The Frump who sat behind Effie at meals at the Inn (her name was Miss Entwistle) had doubted the genuineness of that ring, and when it disappeared her doubts went with it.

  41. Sam," she asked, "have you noticed that Frump at the Inn?

  42. His education had progressed and he knew that it was not for the Frump at the Inn that she shed the imitation wedding ring which for form's sake he had suggested she should wear: it was for him.

  43. But why the dickens should the old frump want to put them in a notebook?

  44. Of course he has to go to dinner-parties and balls, and the worst of it is he often has to dance attendance on a fat old frump half the night, instead of looking after some pretty girl.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frump" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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