Judging by the results over many years, it appears that changes both in the level of freight rates and of wages and prices have operated to leave the railroads not much better off than they were some time ago.
For us, however, the immediate result of importance was a permanent reduction of the general level of freight rates, not alone for the trunk line territory but for the entire country.
Yet although indirect and often obscure, it is of fundamental and conclusive importance in the determination of freight rates.
The great risk incurred in crossing the ocean necessarily brought an increase both in freight rates and in the cost of manufactured goods.
This law injured the Virginians by excluding the Dutch carriers from the tobacco trade with England and thus causing a sharp rise in freight rates.
In that capacity he maintained, practically throughout the entire period of the World War, freight rateson coffee from Central America to San Francisco that gave that Pacific port an immediate and definite advantage.
The railroad systems which had as their ports Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, entered upon a desperate war of freight rates, each in the endeavor to establish the supremacy of its own port.
It has always been maintained by the railroad companies, and very justly, too, that the terminal charges are as important a factor of freight rates as is the cost of carriage.
The zone system recently adopted in Hungary reduced both the passenger and freight rates of the government roads at least one-third, and this reduction has, contrary to expectation, greatly increased their net revenues.
The crisis has come--go outside as fast as you can and tell somebody that the Arkansas legislature has doubled the freight rates on the T.
In this view a commission is unnecessary, unless it is the purpose of Congress to enter upon the detailed regulation of freight rates.
The Interstate Commerce Commission has upheld the same contention, as anyone can see by its recent decision granting increases in passenger rates proportionately much higher than the increases in freight rates.
But if the transportation charges on the same class of goods are subject to frequent change, the merchant can never tell when his competitor is to be given the advantage of a sudden lowering in freight rates.
In the closing days of the session, when Burnett was urging that steps be taken for investigation into the increase of freight rates, he called attention to the fate of that railroad-regulation amendment.
Now, that and your four million dollars on eastbound freight and you have nine millions of dollars increase in freight rates, and I believe that that is a conservative estimate.
Freight rates on the Great Lakes are higher per ton-mile than on the ocean, because the vessels are necessarily smaller than those built for ocean traffic.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freight rates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.