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Example sentences for "forwarde"

Lexicographically close words:
forty; fortye; forum; forums; forward; forwarded; forwarder; forwardes; forwarding; forwardly
  1. Forsooth your opinion in this, seemes to carrie most reason with it, and sence yee haue ended, then the actions belonging properly to their owne persones: say forwarde now to their actiones vsed towardes others.

  2. But now I praie you goe forwarde in the describing of this arte of Magie.

  3. We ought not the more of that restraine from vertue, that the way wherby we climbe thereunto be straight and perrilous.

  4. But these honors be nothyng worth, where the Mynd is voyd of contentation, and wher the hearte pryckte forwarde by desire leaueth the Bodye and Mynde restlesse wythout quiet.

  5. Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed.

  6. Many Spaniardes were hurte that day, but theyr griefe was well reuenged, for from that day forwarde the Indians courage was muche abated.

  7. Another runneth forwarde when he feareth to be short, heauynge after his armes, as though he woulde helpe his shafte to flye.

  8. Another setteth forwarde hys lefte legge, and draweth backe with head and showlders, as though he pouled at a rope, or els were afrayed of the marke.

  9. Two overhastie fruites of mine nowe some yeeres since, like two forwarde females, the one put her selfe in service to an Earle of Excellence, the other to a Gentleman of Woorth, both into the worlde to runne the race of their fortune.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forwarde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.