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Example sentences for "forward movement"

  • Wilde, however, was prepared for them, and held his ground until reinforced by Turner, when he made a forward movement.

  • Feeling the situation was becoming serious, and expecting that the Afghans, encouraged by our inaction, would certainly attack us, I thought it advisable to make a forward movement; but the attitude of the 29th was not encouraging.

  • But he feels it is his duty to express his strong opinion that the present season is unsuited for a forward movement.

  • There was nothing to interfere with a forward movement.

  • His men, also, appear to have caught the spirit of irresolution, for a forward movement on the part of the Confederates drove in Blenker's Germans with the greatest ease.

  • Orders were issued for a forward movement at sunrise on December 29th.

  • Being occupied with the prisoners and all the details of a forward movement, besides looking to the supplies which are to follow from Vera Cruz, I have time to add no more, intending to be at Jalapa early to-morrow.

  • A forward movement to a decisive victory was necessary.

  • The first object is to get a foothold where our troops can maintain themselves until such time as preparations can be made and troops collected for a forward movement.

  • That same evening I was assigned to the command of the Eleventh Division, and began preparing it at once for a forward movement, which I knew must soon take place in the resumption of offensive operations by the Army of the Ohio.

  • Winslow by this time had made a forward movement, and was now at Lake George with nearly half his command, while the rest were at Fort Edward under Lyman, or in detachments at Saratoga and the other small posts below.

  • While at one end of the lake the force of Abercromby was diminished by detachments and disease, that of Montcalm at the other was so increased by reinforcements that a forward movement on his part seemed possible.

  • Preparations were now made to follow up the advantages gained by a forward movement of the whole line under General Longstreet's personal direction.

  • The troops at Fortress Monroe were numerically superior to the command of General Huger, and could have been readily combined, with the forces at and about Roanoke Island, for a forward movement on the south side of the James River.

  • General McClellan seemed to be concentrating in and near Harper's Ferry, but made no forward movement.

  • Any attempt at a forward movement in the early part of this month I do not think would have succeeded, for at one time the Hindoos did not hesitate to say that they would not go forward.

  • But Mr. Clerk was all for a forward movement.

  • They believed, however, that the disaster would necessarily retard Pollock’s forward movement; and in this there was something discouraging.

  • To effect this no exertion was spared: efforts almost super-human were made; for, however prepared for a forward movement, it was impossible to have anticipated anything until the intentions of Napoleon became clearly manifest.

  • As yet, however, they are debouching from the wood, and have attempted no forward movement.

  • Soon after daylight the troops returned from the city to their former positions, to prepare for a forward movement.

  • On Friday following there were indications of a forward movement, which, it seemed, could not now long be deferred.

  • Since the battle of Gettysburgh, there had been no fighting of importance, and all were looking for a forward movement.

  • As it was too early for a forward movement, the troops were permitted to remain in camp another month.

  • The papers North were urging a forward movement, but Grant knew his own plans best and wished no advisers.

  • Grant remained at Sheridan's headquarters but one day, giving his final orders, and leaving Harper's Ferry for City Point, Sheridan returning to his headquarters and issuing orders for a forward movement.

  • A short while afterwards it was ordered to Richmond, and there remained until the great forward movement of General Lee's, which resulted in the Second Manassas Battle and the invasion of Maryland.

  • The President, who was in council with them, after due consideration was convinced of the impracticability of a forward movement.

  • A partial line is formed, Sheridan knowing the effect of a show of forward movement, pushes his handful of men back to meet the others still on the run.

  • From now on we will make no forward movement.

  • Illustration: "From now on we will make no forward movement.

  • Hence a demonstration of affection is not made with a forward movement.

  • Love is expressed by a retroactive, never by a forward movement.

  • On the morning of the 6th, as soon as the enemy attack was known of at Headquarters, a forward movement of the supports and reserves of the 6th Brigade began.

  • McCulloch finally yielded, and ordered a forward movement, and on the morning of Aug.

  • He complained of a lack of wagons and harness, commissary supplies and ammunition, to enable him to make a forward movement.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forward movement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another small; back here; bed and; class houses; divine unity; easily propagated; est bien; forget the; forward movement; forward pass; forward policy; little dreaming; mathematical instrument; merely nominal; more importance; mutual understanding; optical section; public nature; scene from; several hundred; that year; who seemed; woman whose; worn pebbles