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Example sentences for "floure"

Lexicographically close words:
flounder; floundered; floundering; flounders; flour; floured; floures; flouring; flouris; flourish
  1. But all the honny combes being hollowe wrought, and a little cleauing to the sides of the hiue, do hang, whereby they may not touch the floure or bourde, for that otherwise it causeth the swarmes to flye quite away.

  2. The Earl of Worcester, Lord High Constable of England, certified the fact of the delivery of the floure of souvenance to the Lord Scales, and the King's permission for his herald to cross the seas to Burgundy.

  3. The Floure of Souvenance, the Forget-me-not, is an equally pleasing instance.

  4. Rather death shall cut of the threde of my yeres, than I wil contaminate my chastitie, or that any other enioy the floure of my virginitie, than he to whom I shal be tied in mariage.

  5. Ah, infortunate Alerane, there is no floure that ought to be so handled, nor sauor, the sweetnesse whereof ought not to bee sented without desert merited before.

  6. Ah Alerane, Alerane, the floure and mirror of all prowesse and beautie: it is thou alone that liueste in mee, of whom my minde conceyueth his hope, and the hart his nourishment.

  7. M46) And for another better marke of the sayd harbour, you shall see an Isle like vnto a Floure de lice, distant from the sayd hauen 6.

  8. There is also another great herbe, in forme of a Marigolde, about sixe foot in height, the head with a floure is a spanne in bredth.

  9. He begins, of course, with an apology for Thys lytle boke, opprest wyth rudenes Without rethorycke or coloure crafty; Nothinge I am experte in poetry As the monke of Bury, floure of eloquence.

  10. It is a wonderfull courtesie in nature, that the Ash should floure before the serpents appeare, and not cast his leaves before they be gon againe.

  11. The other hath little or no floure [Sidenote: Panis Cibarius.

  12. Richard duke of Normandie, for his sister Emma, a ladie of such excellent beautie, that she was named the floure of Normandie.

  13. Maximus had led foorth of the land the floure and chiefest choise of all the British youth into Gallia, as before ye haue heard.

  14. In euerie floure we find commonlie thrée chiues, and three yellowes, and double the number of leaues.

  15. The heads also of euerie acre at the raising will store an acre and an halfe of new ground, which is a great aduantage, and it will floure eight or ten daies togither.

  16. The whole floure hangeth downe his head by reason of the weak footstalk whereon it groweth.

  17. But what can Thirtie or Fortie Men doe agaynste the Force of a whole Countrey, and where the Generall was one of the most valiaunte, and wisest Captaynes of hys tyme and who was accompanied with the floure of the Neapolitane Fotemen.

  18. These things being thus ordered in the latter end of the aforesaid moneth of September, the floure beginneth to appeere of a whitish blew, fesse or skie colour, and in the end shewing it selfe in the [Sidenote: See Rembert.

  19. In euerie floure we find commonlie three chiues, and three yellowes, and double the number of leaues.

  20. Item iiij longe and large carpetts to cover the floure of the same chamber.

  21. That tyme they yaue Torent the floure 2380 And the gre with moch honowre, f.

  22. Of aAEsAEs the Justis, that there ware, Torent the floure a way bare 2495 And his sonnys, {verament}.

  23. These poems were formerly attributed to Chaucer, but recent scholarship has proved that The Floure and the Leafe is much later than Chaucer, and that The Cuckow and the Nightingale was written by Sir Thomas Clanvowe about A.

  24. The Floure and the Leafe, and The Boke of Cupide, God of Love, or The Cuckow and the Nightingale.

  25. That floure was 'manna' yclepid; Hit was in þe tumbe ystekyd.

  26. There is in the plan of "The Floure and the Leaf," a peculiarity which is not easily accounted for.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "floure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    floured board; floured cloth