Carroll got no farther than the scuttle, for the saloon floorings on the depressed side were already awash and he could hear an ominous splashing and gurgling.
Niven lay on the floorings by his comrade's feet where the stern kept the wind and spray off him, and Appleby sat at the tiller doing his best to keep the boat before the sea, and watching the froth swirl past her.
There was a moment's silence, and while the Champlain rolled to leeward, and the floorings slanted under them until no man could have kept his footing, all could hear the scream of the rigging ring through the roar of the wind.
Appleby crouched aft on the floorings where he could see the men sway through the dimness above him, while another sound grew louder than the hoarse growl of the seas that seethed about the reefs.
Giving Jake the helm, Dick crawled under the foredeck, where the floorings were drier than anywhere else, and lay smoking and thinking until day broke.
Water splashed on board, the engine hissed as the spray fell on it, and the floorings got wet.
Everything in her creaked; the floorings sloped away beneath Evelyn's feet, and now the madly-whirling froth poured in across the coaming.
Carroll got no farther than the scuttle, for the saloon flooringson the depressed side were already awash, and he could hear an ominous splashing and gurgling.
The dog jumped into the canoe with them, and when they got on board he quietly sat down on the floorings while Jake helped the boys to hoist the mainsail.
By and by, for she was shallow-bodied like most centerboard craft, it began to gather in a pool which washed to and fro across the floorings in her lee bilge, and at a shout from Jake he started the pump.
The boys sat down as far under the side deck as they could get, out of the worst of the spray, with the dog crouching in the water which washed about the floorings at their feet.
There seemed to be some water inside her, for it washed up above the floorings at every heave.
Condensed moisture glistened on the low roof-beams; the floorings were damp and littered with coils of rope.
It's safe under thefloorings and heavy enough to make the salvage worth having.
They ate hungrily while the water splashed beneath the floorings and the lamp swung at erratic angles as the Cetacea rolled; and Bethune made no objection when Jimmy afterward lighted his pipe.
Clay floorings were found over these platforms, with evidences here and there of fire-places.
On these floorings were seen the remains of food and industry, just as fresh as if the people had recently left the place.
These repeated floorings may have been necessitated by the gradual rise of the surrounding peat which ultimately drove the inhabitants away.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "floorings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.