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Example sentences for "fine quality"

  • This old and familiar variety is one of the earliest of the garden potatoes, of fine quality, and one of the best for forcing for early crops.

  • The variety is not early, but of fine quality; keeps remarkably well, and is particularly recommended for cultivation for winter and spring use.

  • It is not only of fine quality, but very productive.

  • The cuckoopint, the tubers of which yield a fine quality of starch.

  • Hunter: in brushy woodlands; honey yield is heavy, of fine quality, but plants not abundant.

  • Honey yield very heavy and main surplus in Southwest Texas; fine quality, white; considered the best honey in Texas in quality.

  • Cultivated and along fence rows; honey yield good and of fine quality; scarce and should be cultivated for honey.

  • The ware was of fine quality, and was said by some writers who had seen specimens at the palace, to rival that of Sevres.

  • Their reliefs were remarkably sharp in outline, and the paste was of fine quality.

  • Cookworthy's first attempts were not encouraging, but perseverance brought a certain measure of success, and his later works are of fine quality.

  • They are of fine quality, and take the form of aigrettes and earrings set with precious stones and elaborate oval pendants terminating with pearls and ornamented with scroll ornaments intended for execution in enamel (Pl.

  • Defn: The cuckoopint, the tubers of which yield a fine quality of starch.

  • Defn: A famous diamond of fine quality, which weighs about 137 carats and is among the state jewels of France.

  • Defn: A kind of black tea of a fine quality.

  • A fine quality of white marble is found on Lynn Channel; coal, amber and lignite on Aleutian Islands, the best coal being on Cook's Inlet.

  • It possesses also a fine quality of tone, and is dated 1713.

  • Who that has heard a great player on a fine instrument, that has not been astonished at the immense quantity of tone which arises from this exceedingly fine quality.

  • The wood he then used was of fine quality, and the varnish rich and lustrous and very often of similar lovely tints as those of that master.

  • Queensland soils are of volcanic origin, exceptionally rich, and support trees that are vigorous and prolific with a bean of fine quality.

  • The coffee grown in Boquette Valley is considered to be of fine quality, due no doubt to the care given in cultivation by the American and English planters there.

  • The blue-printed earthenware was of a fine quality.

  • There can be no question that during his minority under the great Amati, young Antonio must have been much interested in his master's fame for imparting a fine quality of tone to his instruments.

  • The violin was of good reputation for its tone of fine quality, quantity and ease of emission.

  • These fringed doilies are imported goods of fine quality.

  • On the fifth day's march from the Victoria Nile we arrived at Shooa; the change was delightful after the wet and dense vegetation of Unyoro: the country was dry, and the grass low and of fine quality.

  • A fine quality of flax grows wild, but the twine generally used by the natives is made from the fibre of a species of aloe.

  • He made a fine quality of china, closely following the Dresden.

  • The paste of the Delft, or at least some of it, is of a fine quality, so that it was worked quite thin, and yet preserved sufficient strength for use.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fine quality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    applied science; even today; fine blue; fine cloth; fine clothes; fine collection; fine figure; fine fresh; fine gentleman; fine gold; fine lady; fine looking; fine paste; fine picture; fine point; fine rose; fine ship; fine specimen; fine stream; fine view; fine voice; fine weather; finely divided; great ascetic; met him; modern painting