Other bodies also are fictitiously shaped by my avidyĆ¢; for they are bodies or effects, or non-intelligent or fictitious creations, as this my body is.
For if, as a first alternative, you should maintain that the abode of Nescience is constituted by the soul in its essential, not fictitiously imagined, form; this means that Brahman itself is the abode of Nescience.
Brahman which is pure intelligence, and the Non-intelligent fictitiously superimposed on Brahman).
That cognising subject is himself something fictitiously superimposed on Brahman!
The case is analogous to that of a person dreaming: the teachers and pupils and all the other persons and things he may see in his dream arefictitiously shaped out of the avidyĆ¢ of the one dreaming subject.
And if, finally, you should say that Brahman is the fictitiouslyforming agent, we have again arrived at a Brahman that is the abode of Nescience.
You cannot reply 'the individual soul'; for the individual soul itself exists in so far only as it is fictitiously imagined through Nescience.
As an illustration, I remember once seeing the death of Professor Renwick fictitiously published in one of the daily journals, much to the sorrow and subsequently the indignation of a large circle of friends.
Passengers who try to keep us out of carriages by fictitiouslyplacing hats and wraps on more seats or corners than they will themselves occupy.
Passengers who endeavour to enter carriages when we have fictitiously placed hats and wraps on more seats or corners than we shall ourselves occupy.
Formerly it was effected either by the observance of an old form prescribed by statute by which the son was fictitiously sold and then manumitted, or by imperial rescript.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fictitiously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.