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Example sentences for "fibrillae"

Lexicographically close words:
fibered; fibers; fibre; fibred; fibres; fibrillar; fibrillary; fibrillation; fibrillose; fibrils
  1. In the course of this division the spindle-fibrillae attach themselves to the gemini, i.

  2. In animal cells these fibrillae in the cytoplasm centre on definite bodies (Their existence and their multiplication by fission were demonstrated by E.

  3. On the other hand, these fibrillae may be compared to the muscular fibrillae or "myophane filaments" in the ectosarc of the Infusoria, and may perhaps effect by their contraction a dilatation of the openings of the capsule.

  4. The fibres which form the meshes are often rather strong, resembling elastic fibres, as above-mentioned, and either simple or composed of bundles of very fine fibrillae (L.

  5. The fine fibrillae in the cortical layer of the endoplasm were first described by Hertwig in 1879 (L.

  6. The nature of the myophriscs as fibrillae allied to muscles was first discovered by R.

  7. The gastric juice cannot get at the albumen-containing fibrillae until the connective tissue is broken up, removed, or dissolved.

  8. Some of the fibrillae in the latter region become attached to the chromosomes and are termed "mantle fibres"; others become continuous from one centrosome to the other and constitute the "spindle fibres.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fibrillae" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.