Right so flatereris and fooles Arn the fendes disciples To entice men thorugh hir tales To synne and to harlotrie.
And alle that hoped it myghte be so, Noon hevene myghte hem holde, But fellen out in fendes liknesse Nyne dayes togideres, 700 Til God of his goodnesse Gan stablisse and stynte, And garte the hevene to stekie And stonden in quiete.
Euro~Your nece of Calabyre, that lady clere, Ys bovnden wyth a fendes fere.
Euro~He seith bi niEte and eke bi day, That hy beth fendes ifere.
Patriarkes and prophetes, Prechours of Godes wordes, Saven thorgh here sermons Mannes soule fro helle: Ryght so flaterers and foles Aren the fendes procuratores, Entysen men thorgh here tales To synne and to harlotrie.
For thei wil first schryven hem, and marken hem with the tokene of the Holy Cros; so that the fendesne han no power over hem.
But I trowe, that fendes made hem semen to ben so hole, with outen rotynge.
And unspered al ðe fendes sped = undid all the fiend's successful work (luck).
Owain anon be gan bithenche, Fram hou mani of the fendes wrenche, God him saved hadde; He sett his fot opon the brigge, No feld he no scharpe egge, No nothing him no drad.
And Owain seigh ther ouer ligge A swithe strong naru brigge: The fendes seyd tho; "Lo!
When the fendes yseigh tho, That he was more than half ygo, Loude thai gun to crie; "Alias!
Or half the blisse who coude wryte or tel Whan the holy goost to thee was obumbred, Wherthrough fendes were utterly encombred?
When the fendes yseigh tho, That he was more than half ygo, Loude thai gun to crie: Allas!
Owain anon began bithenche, Fram hou mani of the fendes wrenche, God him saved hadde; He sett his fot opon the brigge, No feld he no scharpe egge, No nothing him no drad.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fendes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.